Page 6 - School Finance Manual 2021-22
P. 6
Budget Formula Construction 6
A school district budget is for the fiscal year from July 1 to June 30. The following is a schedule of the dates, publishing and meeting
Each school district must propose, adopt and revise an expenditure notice requirements for Expenditure Budgets per Arizona Revised
budget according to the following chart. Statutes:
FY22 School District Annual Expenditure Budget Submission and Publication Instructions on the auditor general’s website found here.
Type of Budget Publishing Public Hearing Post Notice
Requirements and Board of Public
Meeting Hearing*
Proposed budget Propose call for public hearing On or before Yes
July 5
Adoption of proposed budget Publish proposed budget or summary On or before Yes
(A.R.S. § 15-905.C) and notice no later than 10 days prior July 15
to public hearing or post on the Arizona
Department of Education website
September 15 budget revision No (reminder: this revision only applies On or before Yes
(A.R.S. § 15-905.Q) if legislative change is enacted after September 15
budget forms are issued)
December 15 budget revision Publish revised budget or summary On or before
(A.R.S. § 15-905.E) and notice no later than 10 days prior December 15 Yes
to public hearing or post on Arizona
Department of Education website
Final budget revision; tuition No, however publish public hearing On or before Yes
revenues A.R.S. §15-905(I); agenda item 24 hours in advance of May 15
Type 03 HS tuition A.R.S. the public meeting through the normal
§15-905(J); Impact Aid A.R.S. board meeting notice location.
§15-905(K) and (0) Executive order does allow the Auditor General’s
office to extend this date. FY2020 was extended
to June 30, while no extension was granted
for FY2021 as of the publishing of this manual
further information may be forthcoming.
Any other elected budget revi- No, however publish public hearing On or before Yes
sions agenda item 24 hours in advance of May 15
the public meeting through the normal
board meeting notice location.
*Regular public hearing notice requirements for posting must be met.
The Expenditure Budget contains categories from which school districts can expend monies. These categories
(funds) fall into these major classifications:
• Maintenance & Operation • Bond Funds
• Unrestricted Capital Outlay • Agency Funds
• Classroom Site Fund • Fiduciary Funds
• Instructional Improvement Fund • Special Revenue Funds
• Special Projects (Federal/State)
Arizona Association of School Business Officials | School Finance Summary Manual