Page 9 - School Finance Manual 2021-22
P. 9
Budget Formula Construction cont. 9
Base Support Level (BSL) cont. Base Level Amount
Group B Weighted Students The Base Level is the amount of money determined
Additional support level weights are provided for special annually by the Legislature per 1.0 weighted student
needs. Funding for Extended School Year (ESY) is count. For budget year 2021-22 the Base Level is
included within the funding generated by these addi- $4,390.65 without teacher compensation.
tional weights. These weights are specified in A.R.S.
§15-943.2. They are as follows: Teacher Compensation
A district can increase its Base Level amount by an
additional 1.25% if its teacher performance evaluation
K-3 Reading 0.040 system receives approval from the State Board of Educa-
tion, in accordance with A.R.S. §15-952. Funds received by
K-3 0.060 this increased budget capacity may be expended only for
additional teacher compensation. For budget year 2021-22,
ELL (English Language Learners) 0.115
the Base Level is $4,445.53 with teacher compensation.
Hearing Impairment 4.771 This must be renewed annually.
MD - R, A-R and SID - R 6.024 Teacher Experience Index (TEI)
MD - SC, A-SC and SID - SC 5.988 This factor is derived from the formula specified in A.R.S.
§15-941. Its purpose is to allow extra budget capacity for
Multiple Disabilities Severe Sensory 7.947 school districts whose average years of experience for
Impairment teachers exceed the State of Arizona average. Districts
that qualify are allowed to increase the support level by
Orthopedic Impairment (Resource) 3.158 2.25% for each year of experience above the State of
Arizona average. The average and each district’s TEI
Orthopedic Impairment (Self Contained) 6.773 factor is calculated from the School District Employer
Report (SDER) that is due annually by October 15;
Preschool-Severe Delayed 3.595 this report is commonly compiled by a district’s Human
Resources or Payroll department.
DD, ED, MIID, SLD, SLI, and OHI 0.093
Emotionally Disabled (Private) 4.822
Moderate Intellectual Disability 4.421
Visual Impairment 4.806
Arizona Association of School Business Officials | School Finance Summary Manual