Page 10 - School Finance Manual 2021-22
P. 10
Budget Formula Construction cont. 10
Pupil Transportation Funding
A.R.S. §15-945 and §15-946 provide increased budget The second section of the support level is for academic,
limits for districts that transport or contract for the trans- vocational and athletic trips. This add-on amount varies
portation of students to and from school. There is addi- by type of district and is determined by the following chart:
tional funding for academic, vocational and athletic trips.
The subsections below provide details on the computa- Daily Route Mileage District District District
tion of the transportation limits. Per Eligible Student Type 01, Type Type
Transported 02 or 03 04 05
Transportation Support Level (TSL) 1.0 or Less 0.15 0.10 0.25
The Transportation Support Level (TSL) is based
on the average daily route miles per eligible student More than 1.0 0.18 0.12 0.30
transported. Districts are required to use the prior
year Approved Daily Route Mileage in calculating this
amount for the budget year. Eligible students are those Type 02 = unified district, Type 03 = elementary district
in elementary school (grades PSD-8) whose place of not in a high school district, Type 04 = elementary
residence is greater than one mile from their school district in a high school district and Type 05 = high
of attendance, and those in high school (grades 9-12) school district.
whose place of residence is greater than one and a half
miles from their school of attendance. The formula is The factor determined above is multiplied by the to-and-
based on 180 school days (or 200 days). from support level (excluding bus tokens and passes) to
calculate this add-on.
The first step in calculating the TSL is to divide the
district’s total daily route miles by the total number of The third part of the calculation is the support level for
eligible students transported. The quotient obtained the extended year programs which is determined by
from this calculation is used in this chart to determine multiplying the total route miles for students with disabil-
the district’s funding per route mile. ities attending the extended school year program by the
per mile factor used in the basic to and from support
Daily Route Mileage State Support Level
Per Eligible Student per Route Mile for The sum of the above three items, (to-and-from,
FY2019 academic/ vocation/athletic, and extended school year)
constitutes the TSL.
0.5 or less $2.77
More than 0.5 through 1.0 $2.27
The Transportation Support Level
More than 1.0 $2.77
(TSL) is based on the average daily
The factor chosen from the chart is multiplied by the route miles per eligible student
total route mileage and then actual expenditures for bus
passes and tokens for eligible students is added to that transported.
product to determine the to-and-from school support level.
Arizona Association of School Business Officials | School Finance Summary Manual