Page 4 - 2016 Vendor/Buyer Conference
P. 4

Vendor - Buyer Conference 2016

                 Breakout Session I                                       Breakout Session I

        101: Handling the Review and                             103: The Apples and Oranges of

               Acceptance of Deviations in                               Facilities & Operations - Collabo
               Contracts                                                 -rations of Goods  and Services

        Have you ever received an offer to an IFB or             Education  Facilities  and  Operations  depart-
        an RFP where the vendor had issues the terms             ments, on a daily basis, manage and direct the
        and conditions of your contract?, or had de-             procurement,  distribution,  consumption  and
        viations  that  you  weren’t  quite  sure  how  to       implementation  of  goods  and  services,  from
        handle?  Please join this presentation, where            custodial  consumables  to  design  professional

        we’ll have legal personnel help us to muddle             selections, and all sorts of other stuff.  Present-
        through  the  various  questions  and  concerns          ers will share dynamics, details and dependen-
        for best practice methodologies!                         cies  of  school  district  facilities  &  operations
                                                                 business relationships.
        Presented By: David Cantelme  - Can-

        telme & Brown, P.L.C. & Introduction                     Presented  By:  Terry  Worcester  &  col-
        by Gary Barkman- Mesa Public Schools                     leagues - Scottsdale USD

        102: Understanding Architectural and                     104: Creating Partnerships that
                Engineering Services through                             Create Energy Savings!

                                                                 Working with all district stakeholders is criti-
                                                                 cal to the success of an energy conservation be-
        A walk through and explanation of A&E con-               havior program. This presentation will feature a
        tracts and their applicable use, as well as an           panel discussion with staff  from these districts
        overview  of  the  Construction  procurement             and their service providers, highlighting the re-
        process.                                                 lationships built, what each party has learned

                                                                 from the other and how the districts plan to uti-
        Presented By: Gina DeCotiis - State                      lize what they have learned in the future and in
        Procurement Office (SPO)                                 their communities.

                                                                 Presented By:  Beverly Myers - Florence

                                                                 USD & Sharon Merrill - Pierce Energy
                                                                 Planning & Mike Kramer- Washington
                                                                 ESD  & Ben Madsen- Midstate Mechan-
                                                                 ical & Moderator, Laurel Kruke - Pierce
                                                                 Energy Planning
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