Page 5 - 2016 Vendor/Buyer Conference
P. 5

Vendor - Buyer Conference 2016

                 Breakout Session II                                      Breakout Session II

        201: Fixed Assets and 1:1 Device                         203: How to Register and Navigate

                Deployment                                               the State Website

        Has your district jumped on board with a 1:1             ProcureAZ  Overview  for  Supplier  Registra-
        device  initiative  in  your  district?    How  are      tion and walk through of State Procurement
        you tracking the devices?  Are you doing re-             Office website features.
        pairs?  Are you gathering them up at the end
        of the school year?  Things to consider when             Presented By: Christy Garza, State Pro-
        looking for a fixed asset management system.             curement Office (SPO)

        Presented  By:  Michelle  Hamilton    -
        Mesa  Public  Schools    &  Bob  Berry  &
        Dan Cooper - Troxell                                     204: We “No Bid” and I’ll Tell You


        202: Understanding Professional                          A company’s quality response to the bidding
                Services Contracting                             process says as much about the agency issuing

                                                                 the RFP/IFB (Request for Proposal/Invitation
        Join  us  as  we  discuss  the  interpretations  of      for Bids) as it does the supplier. If companies
        professional contracting. Come listen to our             choose  not  to  bid,  is  your  agency  and  your
        presenters  as  they  give  us  additional  best         constituents getting the best products and val-
        practices methodologies.                                 ue?  Join the NIGP Business Council as they

                                                                 present  this  engaging,  thought-provoking,
        Presented  By:  Anita  McLemore  -  Mo-                  and enlightening topic through panel discus-
        have  Educational  Services  Cooperative                 sion with some of our own local procurement
        & Ken Carter - 1GPA & Introduction by                    professionals!
        Gary Barkman- Mesa Public Schools
                                                                 Presented By: Moderator, Yvonne Volpe

                                                                 - Marana Unified School District & Pan-
                                                                 elists, Paul T. Murphy -  Canon
                                                                 Solutions America* (Tentative)

                                                                 & Jeff Peskusky- U.S.
                                                                 Communities Western U.S.
                                                                 Region & Kevin Startt - Tucson
                                                                 Unified School District
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