Page 6 - 2016 Vendor/Buyer Conference
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Vendor - Buyer Conference 2016

                Breakout Session III                                     Breakout Session III

        301: Specification Writing                               303: Breaking into the K-12 Market

        If you’re not getting the products or services           Panel discussion outlining breaking into the K-12
        that you expect from your contracts, you may             market as a new vendor and entering into great
        want to look at what you’re asking for!  Too             partnerships with school districts,.  Come listen
        many times people joke about inferior product            as seasoned professionals share their experience
        being related to low bid items.  In the world            and insight overcoming, breaking in and winning
        of public procurement, it should be noted that           projects.  This lively discussion will be for all de-
                                                                 partments in your organization, sales, operations,
        it’s really not a case of bad product, but rath-         managers, estimators and everyone who is inte-
        er, bad specifications.  Learn some tips about           gral to client service.
        putting qualified specifications in solicitations
        to help make better contracts.
                                                                 Presented By: Dani Huval - Chasse Builders,
                                                                 Inc. & Moderator, Michele Pino - Arizona Land
        Presented By: Anita McLemore & Nan-                      Advisors & Panelists, Mike Thomason - Higley
        cy Colbaugh & Michael Carter- Mohave                     Unified School District & Bonnie Gonzales -

        Educational Services Cooperative & In-                   H2 Group & Bob Erickson - Corgan Architects
        troduction by Michelle Hamilton - Mesa                   & John McCurry - Roofing Southwest

        Public Schools

                                                                 304: Building Materials that
        302: Top “Audit Findings” From                                    Contribute to a Healthy Learning
                Recent Audits                                            Environment for Students

        This session will cover all the latest findings          Learn how some companies in the building in-
        seen by auditors over the past year.  Auditors           dustry are embracing transparency and avoiding
        will share findings and suggestions for mak-             toxic chemicals in their products for education-

        ing  improvements  so  you  can  avoid  similar          al spaces.  In this presentation you’ll hear how
        issues when your District goes through its an-           companies are embracing transparency as a key
        nual audit.                                              to long-term success and how public disclosure
                                                                 programs like Declare and building project man-
        Presented By: Eugene Park - Heinfeld,                    agement tools like GreenWizard add legitimacy

               Meech & Co., P.C. & Introduction                  to transparency efforts and help distinguish lead-
                                                                 ers from their competition.
               by Gary Barkman - Mesa Public

                  Schools                                        Presented By: Rochelle Routman -
                                                                 Mohawk Industries & Introduction by Gary
                                                                 Barkman- Mesa Public Schools
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