Page 37 - The Edge - BTS 2019
P. 37


                              BY DON HARRIS

                              Students Get ‘Gaggled’ for

                              Inappropriate Use of School Computers
            Michael Swaine

              Preventing kids from committing suicide and cracking down on   “   ese are very scary statistics,” Swaine said, adding that 37% of
            bullying and drugs should be a no-brainer.             threats of student violence are sent electronically.
              With the help of technology, school districts are able to provide   Suicide is the second leading cause of death among children and
            a safer atmosphere for students from kindergartner through high   young adults ages 10-24, a survey found. “   at’s very troubling,”
            school. In a breakout session at AASBO’s Summer Conference and   Swaine said. “More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than
            Expo, attendees heard how Gaggle helps keep tabs on conversations   from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia,
            and possibly dangerous plans by linking into electronic devices   in  uenza, and chronic lung disease combined. Four out of   ve teens
            provided to students by schools.                       who attempt suicide give clear warning signs.”
              Michael Swaine, Regional Sales Manager for Gaggle, an Illinois-  As a result, educators and students experience a loss of teaching
            based technology   rm, and John Deeb, Associate Principal, Marana   time, fewer days at school, increased stress, an unhealthy school
            Uni  ed School District, focused on student safety in today’s digital  climate, trauma, mental health and wellness issues, and at worst, the
            world. “Kids are inundated with information,” Swaine said. “We don’t   loss of life, Swaine said.
            know everything they’re getting and where it comes from.”  Deeb, who is the point person for safety at the Marana Uni  ed
              He provided these startling national statistics for a recent year:   School District, which has contracted with Gaggle, said each student
            749,000 students were victims of violence, 1 million students were   has a school-provided computer with them 24-7. “What students can
            harassed, threatened, or subjected to other forms of cyber-bullying,   do is out of control,” he said. “One of the biggest issues is self harm.
            876,000 students were afraid of an attack or harm at school, and  Another is digital access to porn.    ey can download it from their
            250,000 students seriously considered attempting suicide.
                                                                                                    CONTINUED ON PAGE 38

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