Page 33 - The Edge - BTS 2019
P. 33


            BY DON HARRIS

                                              Deb and the DeLorean                                       Deborah Sandoval

                                                    What could possibly have been the best way to highlight the AASBO theme – hat could possibly have been the best way to highlight the AASBO theme –
                                                  “ “Learn from the Past, Go Forward to the Future” – for the organization’s 66th Annual Learn from the Past, Go Forward to the Future” – for the organization’s 66th Annual
                                                          Conference & Exposition?onference & Exposition?
                                                                     How about displaying the iconic DeLorean automobile that How about displaying the iconic DeLorean automobile that
                                                                           was actually featured in the 1985 science-fiction as actually featured in the 1985 science-fiction
                                                                                   movie, “Back to the Future”?    at’s exactly vie, “Back to the Future”?    at’s exactly
                                                                                         what Deborah Sandoval, Director at Deborah Sandoval, Director
                                                                                           of Outreach and Education for
                                                                                             Mohave Educational Services
                                                                                             Cooperative, Inc., was able to
                                                                                             accomplish. But it wasn’t easy.
                                                                                               The DeLorean believed to
                                                                                          be  of  movie fame  was parked in
                                                                                        a corner of the Tucson Ballroom ucson Ballroom
                                                                                        a corner of the T
                                                                                      of the J.W. Marriott Starr Pass Resort .W. Marriott Starr Pass Resort
                                                                                      of the J
                                                                                                    CONTINUED ON PAGE 34


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