Page 31 - The Edge - BTS 2019
P. 31


                              Aww Gee Whiz! Do I Have to Bid It?

              Welcome to another fabulous start of a school year in     is section puts the exemptions not subject to bidding in a
            Arizona. We all complain about the heat in the summer, but   nice neat place for us to   nd them.
            it sure beats shoveling snow any day! As I travel around the   We all should be very aware  that the  procurement
            country meeting with and presenting to public procurement   rules apply to all purchases of materials, services and
            professionals, I always brag we have the BEST place to live. It’s  construction and therefore the procurement thresholds
            amazing how many people back East have no clue it SNOWS  apply to all purchases.    ere are exceptions, but they are
            in Arizona!                                            speci  cally listed in the procurement rules. If your proposed
              My article this time is the   rst of a two-part piece with a  purchase is not listed in the exceptions, you must follow
            cli  -hanger about when to bid and when not bid.    e School  the  procurement  thresholds  for  quotes  and  bids.  Again,
            District Procurement Rules adopted by the State Board of  the procurement exemptions are listed in R7-2-1002. If we
            Education with an e  ective date of July 1, 2014, include an  can’t   nd the exemption there, it has to be competed. If
            important section on “Applicability.” Not only does this section  you do not   nd an exemption for what you are trying to
            identify which purchases are subject to the procurement rules  purchase in this rule, I would recommend that you comply
            – it also endeavors to tell us which purchases do not apply. To
            bid or not to bid is the question the rule attempts to answer.                          CONTINUED ON PAGE 32

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