Page 29 - The Edge - BTS 2019
P. 29
Cassondra Knight Mona Rodriguez Christie Davis
Making the Switch to Electronic
Employment Contracts Is Relatively Easy
Utilizing easy-to-use computer programs can make life ERP refers to a suite of software that can be used to
easier for school business officials involved in handling manage day-to-day business activities, such as payroll,
employment contracts. accounting, procurement, project management, risk
In a breakout session earlier this year, Cassondra Knight of management and compliance.
Tyler Technologies and Mona Rodriguez and Christie Davis Knight pointed out that a new document must be created
of Peoria Uni ed School District explained the advantages every year, but doing so is relatively simple. She recommended
of switching to electronic employment contracts and o ered requiring employees to acknowledge that they have read and
some tips and tricks on how such a system works. accept their contract or other district agreements and are
ey displayed a series of documents to illustrate how your electing how many pay periods they want for the year.
district can make the switch. ey emphasized the importance “You may elect to send an email to all employees indicating
of communicating to employees and how to best utilize your that their contract is now available in the employee portal,” Knight
ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning, system and streamline
your payroll process. CONTINUED ON PAGE 30
Keystone Purchasing Network
National Cooperative Purchasing Program
Using KPN is Easy As
1. Join KPN for free
2. Utilize competitively bid contracts
3. Save time and money
The KPN is a cooperative purchasing program serving educational organizations
nationwide. All contracts are competitively bid so there is no need to duplicate
the bid process. Eligible schools and agencies can join KPN for free and there is no
obligation to purchase.
For more information about contracts or membership
visit the KPN website: