Page 27 - The Edge - BTS 2019
P. 27


                                              BY DON HARRIS

                                              Tips on How to Navigate the

                                              U.S. Every Student Succeeds Act
            Justin Dayhoff   Renee Weatherless

              As school districts venture into   lling out their report
            cards required by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act   “Look at the effi    ciencies. Be cognizant
            (ESSA), they were reminded of a basic principle – money     of that. Does it make sense to the
              In a breakout session at the AASBO Annual Conference      public, to the parents? You will be
            and Expo on July 19, school business o   cials received
            valuable tips on calculating per-pupil funds and the       surprised when running your data,
            importance of gaining the support of administrators and the   comparing schools to each other,
            public for how your budget proposes to spend the money
            your district receives.                                    comparing one district to another.”
                 e presenters – Renee Weatherless, Executive Director,
            Financial Services, Tucson Uni  ed School District, and   — Renee Weatherless, Executive Director, Financial
                                                                           Services, Tucson Unifi ed School District
                                             CONTINUED ON PAGE 28

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