Page 30 - The Edge - BTS 2019
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ELECTRONIC EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS multiple contracts to publish, repeat the process as often as
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 necessary to publish each individual contract.
Once a contract is published, it cannot be changed if accepted
or rejected – it is now a matter of record, Knight said. But if an
said. “To send an email, click Yes after Publishing Contracts to error is found, don’t reject the contract. Knight’s advice: To
iVisions and compose your message.” adjust a published contract before it is accepted or rejected, go
Rodriguez said you can determine whether employees want to HR/Contracts/Employee Contracts; bring in the contract(s)
their W-2 form mailed to them or sent electronically, and the to be adjusted and highlight. Go to Actions/Unpublish Selected
number of pay options they prefer. Contracts. Make adjustments and follow the above steps to
Business o ce employees should select the User De ned publish the updated contract(s).
Fields to link to the contract. Enter instructions in the If an employee states that their contract is not correct, do not
Instructional Text eld – up to 250 characters. Knight noted that have them reject – just unpublish and correct if needed, then
the size of the text can a ect the number of characters the system republish to the portal
will accept. Rodriguez said Peoria Uni ed School District has been doing
In generating a contract, if using the template option, electronic employee contracts for some time and has tips to share.
select the contract to attach a template from the Contracts She recommended creating a naming convention that can be
grid. From the Edit Contracts window, go to Actions > Get followed year after year to make sure you follow the same pattern.
Template. is template will be used instead of anything Something as minor as adding an extra space can cause problems.
entered on the Print Before/After and Contract Signatures She said she likes to know if an employee is not getting a
tabs, Knight explained. contract next year, either because they are resigning or not being
“Update language on the Before/After tabs to re ect current o ered a contract.
due dates and scal years,” Knight said. “You may copy and paste “Once you are done assigning contracts in Position and Pay,
verbiage from Word to the Print Before and/or Print After Detail no changes should be made until after contracts are generated,”
tabs. And, review Print Options to be sure you have selected the Rodriguez said. “If you’re using current salary data, create a grid
appropriate elds. If your contract requires a contract signature, for each contract type with the following columns to update any
for example the Board President, be sure correct contract employee that was a late start or out on a leave of absence that will
signatures have been uploaded.” require you to override the salary information that is generated on
Regarding the updating of multiple employee contracts, the contract: Contract; Employee ID; Name; FTE; Position Status;
update contract dates and the number of days for the year and Position Type or Description; Start Pay Period; End Pay Period;
review contract amounts and the number of days, Knight said. State Date; End Date; Salary Information.”
Updates can take into account teachers who do not work a full Rodriguez invited AASBO members to visit Peoria Uni ed
year. School District to see rst-hand how electronic employment
Knight recommended printing contracts to preview them for contracts really work and how easy it is to switch.
accuracy. “Mask Social Security Numbers if that is one of the
elds you have selected in Print Options,” Knight said. “Click OK Cassondra Knight can be reached at: or (1-888)
to preview contracts. When the screen goes black, you might think 654-3293, ext. 777556.
you made a mistake. It means that you’re done.” Mona Rodriguez can be reached at: mrodriguez@peoriaud.k12.
e Publish Contracts option may be used to assign contracts or (623) 412-5251
individually by clicking on an employee in the Employee Contract Christie Daviscan be reached at: or (623)
grid/Actions/Publish Contracts to iVisions. If an employee has 412-5313