Page 25 - The Edge - BTS 2019
P. 25


                                 BY DON HARRIS

            Carolyn Warner
            Carolyn Warner Remembered for

            Outstanding Service to Education                                           HELPING

              AASBO paid tribute to Carolyn Warner as a champion and                SCHOOLS
            dedicated advocate for public education before, during and after her
            three terms as Arizona State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
              Warner, who died October 9, 2018, at the age of 88, was            FOCUS ON
            remembered by former colleagues, friends and family as a leader
            who wasn’t afraid to speak up – in her fearless, gravelly voice – for
            what she believed in.  At the closing session                                          WHAT
            of AASBO’s 66  Annual Conference and
            Exposition on July 20, Warner’s daughter,
            Caron Lieber, accepted on behalf of her mother                            MATTERS
            the organization’s Outstanding Service to
            Education Award.
              Chuck Essigs, AASBO Director of Government                                          MOST
            Relations, made the presentation and noted
            that Warner also had a close association with
            ASBO International.                        Brian Mee
              AASBO Executive Director Brian Mee, a                              DELIVERING COMFORT AND
            former ASBO International President, said of Warner: “She was one
            of a kind, an incredible lady with an incredible passion for education.   UNIQUE FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS
            When you spoke to her, she made you feel like someone special.”     THROUGH PERSONALIZED
              Mee  recalled  a  5-hour  flight  from  an  ASBO International                      TECHNOLOGY.
            conference to Phoenix when he was seated next to Warner. “We
            solved every   nancial problem in Arizona,” Mee joked. He said he
            considered it an honor to have been just a little part of her life.                      Energy efficiency
              John Pedicone,   a former school superintendent and current
            educational advocate and consultant, said when Warner entered a                     Facility modernization
            room she   lled it with her personality.                                            Improved environment
              “She believed in public schools and she felt passionately that
            they needed to be supported and funded for every child, regardless                      Renewable energy
            of race, religion or social status,” Pedicone said. “She was a model               Self-funding resolutions
            of strength and support for women in leadership – she was always
            ready and willing to help women in school administration, in
            civic leadership and in politics. Like great leaders, she promoted
            leadership in others. She was a multiplier, a leader who made you
            feel smarter, work harder and focus on the right things.”
              Pedicone said Warner interacted with every U.S. President from
            Franklin Roosevelt to Barack Obama, and as a youth representative
            managed to get a dance with President Truman at his inauguration.
              When Warner would confront a challenge that others said was
            insurmountable, she would conquer it, Pedicone said. Words he           DEREK VAN ZIJLL | 480.272.3414
                                                 CONTINUED ON PAGE 26

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