Page 22 - The Edge - BTS 2019
P. 22


                              BY DON HARRIS

                              Reuniting Kids with Families After

                              an Evacuation Can Be Stressful
            Kaylee Sorensen

              If the need to evacuate your school
            arises, getting everyone out safely is the
            No. 1 priority, and the next step – reuniting
            parents with their children can be stressful
            as well.
              In a breakout session at AASBO’s
            Annual Conference and Expo on
            July  18,  Kaylee  Sorensen,  Emergency
            Management Consultant with    e Trust,
            and Tom Foster-DeOro, Risk Manager,
            Cartwright School District, told how to
            plan for a successful reuni  cation.
              “Reuni  cation,” said Foster-DeOro, “is
            the controlled release of students to their
            parents due to an abnormal circumstance
            at school. It can occur on-site or o  -site,
            depending on the situation.”
              Their  presentation  focused  on  four
            elements: places, people, supplies and
                 e need to get children back with the
            parents could be triggered by such things
            as a shooting,   re, gas leak, chemistry lab
            spill, building collapse or power failure.
            Being confronted by an active shooter
            incident  can  be  extremely  dangerous,
            but rare – power outages are much more
              In a reuni  cation plan, the   rst thing
            to consider is a place. “How far away is
            your o  -site reuni  cation site?” Sorensen
            asked. “You want it far enough to avoid
              rst responder tra   c, and close enough
            for parent familiarity. Is it large enough for students and
            sta  ? Is there room for parking, especially for parents?
            Are there enough restrooms? Can it be secured? Are   “Ask neighboring districts what they
            there securable gates? Is there fencing?”
              If another school is chosen, you should consider  use. Higley has a great trailer, Scottsdale
            if the in  ux of your students will disrupt that school’s   has a bus. See what others are doing
            normal operations. Sorensen also recommended that
            whatever place is selected for reuni  cation, school         and what they include.”
            o   cials should make sure the media does not have
            access to the children.                                — Kaylee Sorensen, Emergency Management
                                                                             Consultant with The Trust

                                      CONTINUED ON PAGE 24

            22                                                                        THE EDGE  |  BACK TO SCHOOL 2019
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