Page 4 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 4

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                 JUL Y 21, 2021
                 JULY 21, 2021
                                                                                          yment of All!
              citing Ac
          Exciting Activities Designed for the Enjoyment of All!
                                                                    or the Enjo
                                tivities Designed f
        Conference activities have been planned to give you an opportunity to meet, mingle and network
        with your colleagues and the vendor representatives who have come to Tucson to make this a
        rewarding experience for everyone. You will be truly appreciative of the people who make school
        business management such a fun and worthwhile profession.

        33rd Annu      al  Mike   P ea co ck Memo     rial
        33rd Annual Mike Peacock Memorial
                O Go
                       lf Outing
        AASBO Golf Outing
        7:15 am
        Starr Pass Golf Club
        3645 West Starr Pass Blvd., Tucson, Arizona
        Golf Club Phone: (520) 670-0300
        There’s no better way to start off your week at
        the AASBO 68th Annual Conference and
        Exposition than with a round of golf at the Starr
                                                                                 a B
                                                                           s In
        Pass Golf Club; a 27-hole, Arnold Palmer              Blessings In a Backpack
        Signature Golf Facility. Play will begin promptly  Fundraiser EventFundraiser Event
        at 7:30 am with a shotgun start.  Please check  Mission:  Blessings  in a  Backpack  mobilizes  communities,
        in by 7:00 am  and be in your cart by 7:15 am  individuals, and resources to provide food on the weekends
        or your spot may be given away.                       for  elementary  school  children  across  America  who  might
                                                              otherwise go hungry.
        The tournament will be a four-person scramble. Since 2016, AASBO has provided backpacks and
        Entry  fee  is free  for  school employees.  Spots  donated  over  $28,000  to  Arizona  school  chil-
        are  limited  and  will  be  filled  with  first  regis- dren.  At this year’s summer conference, in lieu
        tered.  Entry fee for vendors and non-members  of  an  in-person  packing event,  please  visit the
        is $200 per player. The Starr Pass Golf Club re- Blessings in a Backpack Fundraising booth locat-
        quires the following attire: collared golf shirts,  ed near the AASBO registration room (sponsored
        no denim and soft spike shoes only.                   by Stifel, 1GPA, Gust  Rosenfeld and The Trust)
                                                              to make a donation, craft supportive note cards
                                                              to be distributed with backpacks and learn more
                                                              about the Blessings in a Backpack organization.
                                                              You can also donate directly on the AASBO Bless-
                                                              ings in a  Backpack  donation  page.  Just  $4  can
                                                              produce one backpack’s worth of food to a child
                                                              experiencing food insecurity.

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