Page 8 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 8
Thur sd a y ’ s Br ea kout Ses sion a gend a
Thursday’s Breakout Session agenda
July 22, 2O21
y 22, 2O21
out Session I
Breakout Session I
Thursday 9:00 am to 9:50 am
102: Channeling Y our “Jedi P ower ” to Prepare
102: Channeling Your “Jedi Power” to Prepare
For a Successful Bond Rating Review
or a Successful Bond R
ating R
You don’t need The Force to successfully prepare
your district for a bond rating review. Join us
to examine the key components of a success-
ful review preparation process. We’ll explore the
complex terrain of agency review criteria, as
well as the importance of financial forecasting,
peer comparison data, and foundational man-
agement and planning processes. You’ll gain a
clearer view of what rating agencies are looking
for, and how you can prepare to accurately, ef-
fectively tell the story of your district, with the
Track List: goal of eliciting a positive rating review.
Track: Business Administration
ack: Business Administr
Sessions are numbered based on their spe- Presented by: Melissa Higdon - Forecast5
cific track. The 1st session number is the Analytics & Nate Bowler - Glendale Union High
breakout session. The last number(s) are School District & Ryan French - Littleton
the corresponding track. Elementary School District
01: Accounting
02: Business Administration 104: May the Facility Funds be with You
y the F
104: Ma
y Funds be with Y
03: Child Nutrition The past year has presented itself with difficulty
04: Maintenance & Operations for Arizona Schools not only in regards to on-
05: Human Resources & Payroll line learning, but also how to safely operate and
06: Information Technology maintain school facilities. Now, grappling with
07: Purchasing lean budgets and changing standards of opera-
08: Transportation tions, the question is: how do we find and lever-
09: Vendor age funding for deferred maintenance and reno-
vations? This panel will bring to you an array of
10: Professional Development expertise ranging from mechanical, operation-
11: Back to Basics al, and utility perspectives. If you’re looking to
learn about current funding solutions for facility
improvements, the application process, report-
101: TPT and Use Tax for School Districts
101: TPT and Use T ax for School Districts ing requirements, and how to best stretch these
This session covers Transaction Privilege and dollars, this session is for you.
ack: Maintenance & Oper
Track: Maintenance & Operations
Use Tax basics as they pertain to Arizona school
districts. With the passing of House Bill 2757, Presented by: Chuck Hink - Pueblo Mechanical
Use Tax has become less relevant today. Join us & Robert Jacobson - Laveen Elementary School
to learn more. District & Georgia Riffle - McKinstry & Mike
Track: Accounting Green - SRP & Tony Magers - APS
ack: Accounting
Presented by: Katherine Parker &
Edgar Gutierrez - Arizona Department of
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