Page 10 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
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Thur          sd    a  y   ’ s Br       ea     kout Ses                 sion a           gend          a
         Thursday’s Breakout Session agenda
                                                 July 22, 2O21
                                                       y 22, 2O21
                                                 Break   out Session II
                                                 Breakout Session II
                                           Thursday 10:00 am to 10:50 am

                                                               205: Think Financial Wellbeing, You Will
        202: News from the Republic: Recap of
        202: News from the R     epublic: R ecap of            205: Think Financial W   ellbeing, Y ou Will
                Legislation Impacting School Capital           The  initial budget  for  the  Empire  Strikes  Back
                Legislation Impacting School Capital
        Hear how recent legislation will impact schools        was $18 million, but ballooned to $33 million by
        from  the  Core  Worlds  through  the  Outer  Rim,     the time production concluded, making it one of
        including capital funding formulas, State budget       the most expensive films ever made at the time.
        appropriations, School Facilities Board changes,       Has this ever happened to you?  Now’s the time
        modifications to elections requirements and sig-       to let the force guide you to sound financial well-
        nificant property tax revisions.                       ness.
          ack: Business Administr
        Track: Business Administration                         We can all agree that the last 18 months have
                                                               generated  a  lot  of  extra  stress.  Our  personal
        Presented by: Randie Stein - Stifel &                  health,  physical and  mental,  our  family’s well-
        Dr. Chuck Essigs - Arizona Association of School       being, job demands and world affairs have been
        Business Officials                                     at the forefront. One topic that often gets over-
                                                               looked is financial health. It’s a critical time for
                                                               us  to  learn  how  to  support  our  financial  well-
        203: Universal Free Meals – Is It Good For The
        203: Univ  ersa l Free Mea ls – Is  It Good  F or The    being, explore options that can lessen potential


                District Finances?                             pitfalls and stressors, and protect ourselves and

        Districts can offer universal free meals again for     our families through better choices and financial
        SY2021-2022.  With less free and reduced applica-      wellness strategies.
        tions, Title 1 and grant funding has been affected.     T r ack: Human R esources/P a yroll
                                                               Track: Human Resources/Payroll
        Did you know there is an alternate income form?
        How does this affect your state match?  Will this      Presented by: Kendall Taylor & Sheri Gilbert
        continue into the following year?  What programs        - Valley Schools & Ken Hicks - Dysart Unified
        can we offer to increase revenue?  We’ll share op-     School District
        tions and approaches to maintain your grant fund-
                                                               206: IT Compliance
        Track: Child Nutrition                                 206: IT Compliance
          ack: Child Nutrition
                                                               As  public entities, our  member school districts
        Presented by: ADE Child Nutrition Presenter            and community colleges must comply with Fed-
                                                               eral  and  State  regulations.    This presentation
                                                               will  cover  some  of  the most  relevant  Privacy
                                                               and  Security  regulations  as  they  relate  to  the
                                                               administration and management of IT systems
                                                               and data.
                                                               Track: Information Technology
                                                                 ack: Information T
                                                               Presented by: Ruth Unks & Ted LeSueur - The
                                                               Trust & Russell Deneault - Creighton Elementary
                                                               School District

                                                                                     “Train yourself to let
                                                                                        go of everything
                                                                                             you fear
                                                                                            to lose.”
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