Page 14 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 14
Thur sd a y ’ s Br ea kout Ses sion a gend a
Thursday’s Breakout Session agenda
July 22, 2O21
y 22, 2O21
Breakout Session III
Break out Session III
Thursday 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
309: Help me Obi-Wan, I am registered as a
306: Cyber Insurance Trends
306: Cyber Insur ance T rends 309: Help me Obi- W an, I am registered as a
Cyber insurance trends can tell organizations vendor yet I cannot serve.... vendor yet I cannot serve....
key pieces of information such as current ex- Be as smart as Obi Wan when navigating the co-
ploits that are occurring in the wild. Join us as operative procurement world. An overview of steps
we discuss current and projected cyber crime from registering to contract award and everything
trends. in between.
ack: V
Track: Information Technology Track: Vendor
ack: Information T
Presented by: Wes Gates & Marijon Anderson - Presented by: Deborah Sandoval - Riddle
The Trust & Albert Magallanez - Continental Painting and Coatings & Roger Spivey - Litchfield
Elementary School District Elementary School District
307: W orking on the “D eath Star ” - Construction
307: Working on the “Death Star” - Construction
Management After Contract Award
Management After Contr act A w ard
Does the thought of dealing with construction
management paperwork take you to the “Dark
Side” of the “Force”? You’re not alone, so don’t
try to take it all on “Solo”. Join us as we discuss
bonds, insurance, pay applications, securities in
lieu of retention, 20-day notices, change orders,
and a “galaxy” of other topics. This “Rebel Alli-
ance” comprised of both Procurement and Con-
struction professionals will help you repair your
“hyper-drive” and move you closer to becoming
a “Jedi Master”.
Track: Purchasing
T r ack: Purchasing
Presented by: Lila McCleery & Jared Reynolds
311: Journal Entries....Bring Balance to the Force
& TJ Long - Phoenix Union High School District 311: J ournal Entries....Bring B ala nce to the F orce
“It’s a trap!” Not really, its just a journal entry!
This session will cover the fundamentals of journal
aining: Ariz
308: Leadership in T
308: Leadership in Training: Arizona entries. Cut through the confusion of when to deb-
Regulations II
R egulations II it and when to credit. Review examples and hear
Building on an earlier Leadership in Training lessons learned so you can set yourself up for suc-
regulations class, Arizona Regulations II cov- cess. Republic credits (and debits) are good in this
ers additional transportation-related regulatory session.
Track: Back to Basics
matters. Topics in this session include conflicts T r ack: Back to Basics
of interest regarding procurement; mandatory
reporting guidelines; and industry updates. Presented by: Melissa Higdon - Forecast 5
ack: T
Track: Transportation Analytics & Lisa Smith - Dysart Unified School
Presented by: Stephanie Arbaugh - The Trust &
Jason Nelson - Kyrene School District
“Difficult to see.
Always in motion
is the future.”
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