Page 12 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 12
s Keyno
Thursday’s Keynote Address
te A
July 22, 2O21
y 22, 2O21
11:15 am to 2:15 pm
11:15 am to 2:15 pm
1st General Session & Keynote Address
1st Gener al Session & K eynote Address
Tucson Ballroom
Superhero Leadership: How Ev
Superhero Leadership: How Everyday
aordinary Impact
e An Extr
People Can Have An Extraordinary Impact
eople Can Ha
Leadership starts with the ability to look at ev-
ery challenge - even the mundane tasks - as an
opportunity to make a positive impact.
In this high-energy keynote, Brett shares pow-
erful stories from his filmmaking adventures of
ordinary people who have accomplished extraor-
dinary things. He demonstrates how everyone
has the opportunity and capacity to embrace
leadership and make an impact. By learning to
Brett Culp
see themselves as leaders contributing to a no- Bret t Culp
ble, shared vision, attendees will feel empow-
ered to bring greater confidence and enthusiasm
to their everyday tasks.
Filmmaker and Speaker Who Documents the
This shift in perspective ignites the heroic spirit Positivity of the Human Experience
in audiences, equipping them to bring the tru-
est, most powerful view of themselves to every Brett Culp is an award-winning documentary
aspect of their work and life.
filmmaker and founder of the not-for-profit,
The Rising Heroes Project. He is known for
the films, Legends of the Knight, and his lat-
est, Look to the Sky, both of which explore
the power of heroic stories and heroic indi-
viduals to inspire us to believe in a better to-
morrow. On stage, he encourages audiences
to find the superhero within and their own
path to “everyday leadership.” His insights
on connecting individuals to an organiza-
tion’s mission and goals resonate, help us
realize our greatest personal and business
potential, and renew our collective sense of
hope for the future and belief that our ef-
forts can make an impact.
Note: The First and Second General Session will
“Mind what
begin promptly at 11:15 a.m. with luncheon ser- you have learned.
vice followed by keynote program speakers. At- Save you it can.”
tendees are requested to be on time and to stay
for the entire session to minimize disruption.
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