Page 16 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
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Thur sd a y ’ s Br ea kout Ses sion a gend a
Thursday’s Breakout Session agenda
July 22, 2O21
y 22, 2O21
Break out Session IV
Breakout Session IV
Thursday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm
act is
406: Automating Staffing Management and
409: The
with a
406: A utomating Staffing Management and 409: The Force with a Contract is Strong
T r ansparency A common question vendors often get is, “Do you
Integrating iVisions and Synergy to automate have a contract?” Join us for this discussion of
the staffing budget process and provide your how and why a cooperative contract is a power-
principals transparency. By incorporating your ful Force (tool) for both vendors and procurement
district’s staffing formula, enrollment, and Po- staff. This session will explain how these contracts
sitions and Pay, dashboards can provide your are used, along with discussions of why your firm
principals access to staffing allocations on a real has been asked for a quote or interview for a proj-
time basis. ect. Bring your questions and challenges for this
Track: Information Technology in-depth review.
ack: Information T
Track: Vendor
T r ack: V endor
Presented by: Renee Weatherless &
Andrew Agnew - Tucson Unified School District Presented by: Missy Mudry - Sunny Path
Associates, LLC & Lila McCleery - Phoenix Union
High School District
407:Your Procurement is Strong With This One
407: Y our Procurement is Strong With This One
This session will cover compliance and best
practices to ensure you appropriately procure
your purchases. We will discuss analyzing like
411: Grant’s Life Cycle in Fiscal Galaxy
items to identify when written quotes or formal 411: Gr ant ’ s Lif e Cy cle in Fiscal Ga laxy
procurements are necessary, using an informal In a galaxy far, far, away, there was a need for
RFP to obtain quotes, and purchasing with credit learning about the three main phases of a grant
cards and P-cards. and the key pieces within each. Everyone must
Track: Purchasing
T r ack: Purchasing learn about the pre-award, award and post award
Presented by: Megan Smith & In the pre-award phase the guide, R2D2, will use
Paula Gustafson -Arizona Auditor General’s Office his knowledge of coding information to show you
where to find it so you can input it in your bud-
get. Then it can be reviewed and updated in sub-
sequent phases.
“You will find only
Within the award phase, reimbursement requests
what you bring in.”
provide critical funding to the resistance. Obi Wan
knows that and hence he will tell you what you
need to get them approved without any returns.
Lastly, Luke will guide you on what needs to be in
408: Leadership in T r aining: Launching to a completion report in addition to reported expen-
408: Leadership in Training: Launching to
Success ditures to bring balance back to the force.
Looking for a process to make the new school OK, so maybe we lied about the characters that
year progress as smoothly as possible? will guide you through the life cycle of the grant
If so, this session is for you. It will help you but the rest will happen in this session!
ack: Back to Basics
achieve success by discussing end-of-the-year, Track: Back to Basics
summer, and final week steps you can take to
ensure your transportation department starts Presented by: Katarina Pena & Taylor Boteilho
every new school year successfully. - Arizona Department of Education
T r ack: T r ansportation
Track: Transportation
Presented by: Jason Nelson - Kyrene School
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