Page 17 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 17
Thur sd a y ’ s Ev ening a gend a
Thursday’s Evening agenda
July 22, 2O21
y 22, 2O21
Duck race
Sponsored by:
Sponsored b
Lazy Riv
Lazy River @ The Starr Pass Resort
ass R
er @ The Starr P
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm
- 5:30
Come cheer on y our little duckies all the Conference Chair Karla Soto and 1GPA are
Come cheer on your little duckies all the
way to the finish line! planning to celebrate this year’s duck race
y to the finish line!
with some once-in-a-lifetime fun! With
In true AASBO fanfare, we will release hun- AASBO’s Past President Jeremy Calles as the
dreds of the most adorable rubber ducks MC, you don’t want to miss a minute!
you have ever seen. They’ll paddle their way
Ducks are available for adoption for just $5/duck
to the finish line and just might make you a Ducks are a v ailable for adoption for just $5/duck
winner! Make sure you are around Purchase your Ducks at or call
for the Duck Drop. There will be the office at 602-253-5576
one race and all duck adoptions will
benefit Casa De Los Niños We’ve set a lofty goal! 2,500 little quackers all
swimming for the prize!
A $12,500 donation to
Casa De Los Niños
Mission: Casa de los Niños promotes child
wellbeing and family stability in our com-
munity. Today their programs offer a range
of prevention, intervention and therapeutic
services that support children & families in
the Tucson community.
These programs work to remedy the effects
of child abuse and/or neglect and help fam-
ilies maximize their strengths to provide
long-term stability. In addition to offering
programs & services, they are a voice on
behalf of children, a voice for advocacy, and
a voice for change. With the support of the
community leaders, volunteers and donors,
they will build a society in which no child
experiences the trauma of abuse or neglect.
Together we can continue to change lives…
for generations.
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