Page 22 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
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Fr     i d  a  y   ’ s Br       ea     kout Ses                 sion a           gend          a
             Friday’s Breakout Session agenda
                                                  July 23, 2O21
                                                       y 23, 2O21
                                                  Breakout Session V
                                                  Break  out Session V
                                               Friday 9:00 am to 9:50 am

                                                               512: The IDEA Project W     orkshop:  Using Y  our
                                                               512: The IDEA Project Workshop:  Using Your
        507: Contr  act Ma na gement  vs Contr act                     Data to Make Informed Decisions and
        507: Contract Management vs Contract
                                                                                   e Informed Decisions and
                                                                       Data to Mak
                  Administration?                                      Create Great Presentations

                                                                       Create Great Presentations
        Managing  the  contract  after  award!    When  do  you           TWO P AR T SES SION
                                                                       TWO PART SESSION
        consider contract management?  Who all is invited      Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from your
        to the party?  Do you have a Contract Administration   peers about the IDEA project and how it’s help-
        Plan (CAP)? Do you have a Performance Assessment       ing inform  decision making  regarding  enroll-
        Plan (PAP)? How do you handle contract amend-          ment planning, revenue and expenditure man-
        ments? and When?  Join us for answers to these
        questions and more!                                    agement, and more. Talk with a panel of IDEA
        Track: Purchasing
        T r ack:  Purchasing                                   member districts who have put peer compara-
                                                               tive  data  in motion  to better  understand  their
        Presented  by:  Gary  Barkman  -  Mesa  Unified  district and more effectively communicate with
        School District & Nancy Colbaugh - Mohave              stakeholders. Discover how this project can sim-
        Educational Services Coop. Inc. & Eva Calles -         plify the complex topics you navigate on a daily
        Scottsdale Unified School District &                   basis and save you time. You’ll also learn how to
        Teresa Chapman - Tucson Unified School District        use comparative data to evaluate both strategic
                                                               and financial decisions.
        509: Double Feature: Return of the ESSER:
        509:  Double F  eature: R eturn of the ES  SER:        Presented by: Nate Bowler - Glendale Union
                Episode III & The Funds A  w ak en             Elementary School District & Melissa Higdon -
                Episode III & The Funds Awaken
        The Federal Republic has released funding to assist    Forecast 5 Analytics
        Districts as the infamous COVID is forcing school
        closures throughout the land. The young Jedi ven-
        dors are gathering to discuss how they can use the
        power of the ESSER Funds to equip students with
        technology, sanitize facilities, provide ionization
        and much more as the battle against COVID con-
        tinues. Come join the resistance and you will leave
        with the knowledge necessary to go help Districts
        leverage the ESSER Funds and your skills to win
        the  battle.   Second  Feature:  The  Funds  Awaken
        – The Federal Republic has released a galactic In-
        frastructure  Plan  to  help  support  the  rebellious
        movement against fossil fuels.  Jedi vendors will
        be trained on how to use the Funds to help their
        clients achieve their goals of Solar Power, Electric
        Buses and Smart Facilities.  Also quick tips to let
        you know where the Funds are strong with the Dis-
        Track: Vendor
          ack: V
        Presented by: Jill Barragan - Paradise
        Valley Unified School District & Jeremy Calles -
        Tolleson Union High School District

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