Page 27 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
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Fr i d a y ’ s Br ea kout Ses sion a gend a
Friday’s Breakout Session agenda
Jul y 23, 2O21
July 23, 2O21
Break out Session VII
Breakout Session VII
Friday 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
705: Enter Into the New World of HR and Payroll
705: Enter Into the New W orld of HR and P a yroll
Segregation of Duties
Segregation of Duties
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, sepa-
ration of duties was not important, but now it is.
Learn how to use the Force to properly separate
the duties. Important is Communication between
the between payroll and HR. Your Jedi Master
will use their powers to show you the way to
best collaborate including successful work flow
plans and the Force will be with you always.
Track: Human Resources/Payroll
T r ack: Human R esources/P a yroll
Presented by: Teresa Wong - Glendale
Elementary School District & Juanita Morin - 708: Owning and Oper ating an Underground
708: Owning and Operating an Underground
Littleton Elementary School District
Stor age T ank P art 1
Storage Tank Part 1
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) are of-
ten used at bus yards for school districts. This
706: Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone session will cover overview on inspections and
706: Stepping out of Y
our Comfort Z
In our world, we want a sense of security, fa- compliance, financial assurance, prevention and
miliarity, and certainty. Stepping outside of our clean up of leaking USTs (Part 1).
comfort zone involves taking a risk, which can T r ack: T r ansportation
Track: Transportation
cause increased stress, anxiety, and fear. We
will look at some of the factors in our I.T. world Presented by: Arti Jain & Vivian Figueroa -
that require staff to step outside their comfort Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
zones and how we at Continental School Dis-
trict helped staff accomplish this during the past
year. Wrapping up with a Q&A with audience 711: This is the way! Navigating Your Way Through 711: This is the way! Navigating Your Way Through
members. Your First Audit
First A
Track: Information Technology It is time to upgrade your newly inherited armor
ack: Information T
with beskar however you need to endure the trials
Presented by: Albert Magallanez - Continental
Elementary School District of your audit. To do so, you must know what trials
await including:
• The ever changing USFR CQ
• The single audit reporting package
707: Cr afting Y our Ev aluation F orms with • Krayt Dragons
707: Crafting Your Evaluation Forms with
Lightsaber Precision
Lightsaber Precision
Do you find yourself conjuring up the powers • Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
• 90 day letter
of “The Force” explaining evaluation forms to • Subsequent Corrective Action Plans
non-purchasing personnel? Join us for helpful
hints and best practices to help keep your evalu- This presentation will share the code of the Man-
ation committee from being frozen in carbonite.
ack: Purchasing
Track: Purchasing dalorian to show you the way to overcome each
trial. Use your audit as proof of your honor for your
Presented by: Larry Larson - Phoenix Union armor signet.
Track: Back to Basics
High School District & Jeff Thomason - Roosevelt T r ack: Back to Basics
Elementary School District
Presented by: Jennifer Shields - Heinfeld Meech
& Joseph Leon - Tempe Union High School
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