Page 32 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
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Ho tel room reser v a tions
Hotel room reservations
Please note the following important information about hotel room
Please note the following important information about hotel room
accommodations at the 68th Annual Conference & Exposition.
accommodations at the 68th Annual Conference & Exposition.
. Marriott Starr P
ass R
esort and Spa
J.W. Marriott Starr Pass Resort and Spa
3800 W Starr Pass Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85745
Room rate: $128/night plus taxes
Cancellation Policy at the J.W. Marriott Starr Pass Resort:
All rooms at the J.W. Marriott Starr Pass have been re-
served under the AASBO block. Room reservations will
not be honored outside this block. Rooms must be con-
firmed via a valid credit card. No penalty for cancellations
received by June 18, 2021. Rooms canceled between
June 19, 2021 and July 5, 2021 will incur a charge for one
night’s accommodations and tax. The full rate of the res-
ervation plus applicable tax will be charged for any can-
cellations made after July 5, 2021. The credit card given
at the time of the original reservation will be charged for
any and all related fees. No refunds will be issued.
Please contact the J.W. Marriott for any questions con-
cerning sleeping room accommodations, billing, cancella-
tions or name changes.
Once a room has been reserved, it will stay in the name
of the member and it cannot be transferred into another
name. If a member is unable to attend or does not need
the room, the room will be canceled and go to the next
member on the wait list.
New Room Selection Process for AASBO
Annual Summer Conference
For a video description of the new process please
Our additional room block is a v ailable at:
Our additional room block is available at:
ucson Univ
y P
Marriott Tucson University Park
Marriott T
880 E. 2nd Street, Tucson, AZ 85719
Room rate: $108/night plus taxes
Transportation to and from the J.W. Marriott
Starr Pass Resort will be provided.
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