Page 30 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 30

A  A   SBO Ga              l  a  c  ti   c    Fea        s  t & J        ubi     l  ee
                 AASBO Galactic Feast & Jubilee
                                                  Jul  y 23, 2O21
                                                  July 23, 2O21
         6:00  pm  to 9:00   pm
         6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
         T ucson Ballroom & Ania T     err ace                 “Don’t everybody
         Tucson Ballroom & Ania Terrace
          *food served until 8:00 pm                           thank me at once.”
          *food serv
                    ed until 8:00
         A  family  affair!  Join  us  as  we  present  this  final
         evening event, the Galactic Feast and Jubilee!

         Families are invited with the purchase of a meal
         Additional tickets may be purchased for $20 each.

                                                                          Grab your Star Wars Gear!
                                                                             ab y
                                                                                               ars Gear!
                                                                                  our Star W
                                                                 We invite you to dress up as your favorite
                                                                 Star Wars character for a chance to win a
                                                                           prize for BEST COSTUME!
                                                                                       n Ev

                                                                     Padawan Evening
                                                                                  Ev     ent
                                                                7:00  pm  to 9:00   pm
                                                                7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
                                                                Ania T
                                                                Ania Terrace
                                                                AASBO  is  preparing  a  fun  filled  night  for  your
                                                                little (or big!) padawan in training! Details of this
                                                                event will be released closer to the conference
                                                                Dessert will be served!
                       S  a  tur        d  a  y’s Mor              ni   ng a        gend          a
                       Saturday’s Morning agenda
                                                       y 24, 2O21
                                                  July 24, 2O21
         Saturday Buffet Breakfast
                  y Buffet Breakfast
         Tucson Ballroom
         T ucson Ballroom
         7:30 am to 8:30 am
         7:30  am  to 8:30   am
         Start your Saturday with a final networking
         breakfast. Join us for delicious morning treats and share
         needed information with colleagues and new friends.
         Third General Session
         Third Gener   al Session
         8:30 am to 10:30 am
         8:30  am  to 10:30   am
         Impact of the Flat Tax and Prop 208 on You and Public
         Schools - Presented by: Randie Stein - Stifel
         The November 8, 2022, Election- Issues, Impact, and Im-
         portance - Presented by: Dennis Welch, Moderator,
         Chuck Coughlin, Panelist,
         DJ Quinlan, Panelist
         Stay  till the  end  as  we  do  our  69th  Annual  Conference
         reveal along with door prizes!
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