Page 29 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 29

Fr     i d  a  y   ’ s Br       ea     kout Ses                 sion a           gend          a
             Friday’s Breakout Session agenda
                                                  July 23, 2O21
                                                  Jul  y 23, 2O21
                                                Breakout Session VIII
                                                Break   out Session VIII
                                               Friday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm

        807: RDD2- R    apid R eview of Due Diligence          810: The Art of Ethical Leadership
        807: RDD2- Rapid Review of Due Diligence
                                                               810: The
                                                                                      l Leadership
                                                                         Art of
        The use of cooperative contracts can be a power- Ethics training has become a mandatory aspect of
        ful tool, but be careful for a lack of due diligence  staff development in most business and govern-
        can lead you to the dark side. Good processes  ment agencies, but that ethical integrity continues
        must have you or fail the audit you will.              to decline. Brian Mee, Executive Director of AASBO
        T r ack: Purchasing                                    quotes the Center for Ethical Leadership, noting:
        Track: Purchasing
                                                               “Ethical leadership is knowing your core values and
        Presented  by:  Eva  Calles  -  Scottsdale  Unified    having the courage to live them in all parts of your
        School District & Tammy Delgado - Glendale             life in service of the common good.” With leader-
        Elementary School District & Alicia Oropeza -          ship being a subject that is at the heart of what
        Alhambra Elementary School District                    AASBO strives to develop among its members, join
                                                               Brian as he delivers the Art of Ethical Leadership.
                                                                 ack: Professional Dev
                                                               Track: Professional Development
                                                               Presented by: Brian Mee - AASBO

                                                               811: A New Hope -Getting Back to Ba
                                                               811: A New Hope -Getting Back to Basics with your
                                                                                                      sics with y
                                                                        Chart of Accounts
                                                                    Chart of

                                                               The chart of accounts – It all starts here. It de-
                                                               scribes what we own and owe, what we’ve earned
                                                               and spent, and what strings are attached to the re-
                                                               sources we have. With so many codes, things can
                                                               feel desperate. But rest assured, there is hope! We
                                                               will get back to basics of what those account codes
                                                               mean, how to read them, how they impact your
                                                               school’s operations, how you can spend the funds,
                                                               and common coding FAQ and pitfalls.
                                                               Track: Back to Basics
        808: Owning and Operating an Underground               T r ack: Back to Basics
                                 ating an Underground
        808: Owning and Oper
                Stor age T ank P art 2
                Storage Tank Part 2
        Underground  Storage  Tanks  (USTs) are  of-           Presented by: Aaron Vix - Aaron Vix, CPA, CFE
        ten used at bus yards for school districts. This       & Vanessa Shapiro -  Paradise  Valley  Unified
        session will cover overview on inspections and         School District
        compliance, financial assurance, prevention and
        clean up of leaking USTs (Part 2).
          ack: T
        Track: Transportation
        Presented by: Richard Brunton & Erin Abel -
        Arizona Department of Environmental Quality

                “May the Force be
                     with you.”

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