Page 24 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 24

Fr     i d  a  y   ’ s Br       ea     kout Ses                 sion a           gend          a
             Friday’s Breakout Session agenda
                                                  July 23, 2O21
                                                  Jul  y 23, 2O21
                                                 Breakout Session VI
                                                 Break   out Session VI
                                             Friday 10:00 am to 10:50 am

        610: School Business Management Potpourri
                                                               611: Understanding the Role of Transportation,
        610: S chool B usiness  Management P   otpourri        611: Understanding    the  R ole  of  T r ansportation,

        If you end your training now- if you choose the                Facilities and Food Service from the
                                                                                         Service from

                                                                               and F



        quick and easy path as Vader did-you will become                 Business Manager Lens
        an agent of evil.                                      This session will include a panel of experts from
        Do not become an agent of evil and complete your       the support areas of the Rebel Alliance fleet, Yavin
        training and learn about long-range financial plan-    4 facilities and food service facilitated by none oth-
        ning,  stepless  salary  schedules,  declining  enroll-  er than Admiral Ackbar (Its a trap!).  Maintaining
        ment,  self-insurance, school consolidation, con-      those X-wings is not cheap. The Admiral will lead
        tracted services, etc.                                 an interactive dialog on what information the busi-
        T r ack:  Professional D ev elopment                   ness office should be obtaining from these import-
        Track: Professional Development
                                                               ant support departments to help guide informed
        Presented by: Jeff Gadd - AASBO                        financial decisions.
                                                               Track: Back to Basics
                                                                     Back to Ba
                                                               Presented by: Kimberly Dugdale   -  Washington
                                                               Elementary School District &  Scott Wells -
                                                               Creighton School District & Jenny Bracamonte -
                                                               Chandler Unified School District
                                                               612: The IDEA Project Workshop:  Using Your
                                                               612: The IDEA Project W
                                                                                           orkshop:  Using Y
                                                                       Data to Make Informed Decisions and
                                                                       Data to Mak
                                                                                   e Informed Decisions and
                                                                       Create Great Presentations
                                                                       Create Great Presentations
                                                                       TWO PART SESSION
                                                                       TWO P AR T SES SION
                                                               Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from your
                                                               peers about the IDEA project and how it’s help-
                                                               ing inform  decision making  regarding  enroll-
                                                               ment planning, revenue and expenditure man-
                                                               agement, and more. Talk with a panel of IDEA
                                                               member districts who have put peer compara-
                                                               tive  data  in motion  to better  understand  their
                                                               district and more effectively communicate with
                                                               stakeholders. Discover how this project can sim-
                                                               plify the complex topics you navigate on a daily
                                                               basis and save you time. You’ll also learn how to
                                                               use comparative data to evaluate both strategic
                                                               and financial decisions.
                                                               Presented by: Nate Bowler  - Glendale Union
                                                               Elementary School District & Melissa Higdon -
                                                               Forecast 5 Analytics

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