Page 21 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 21

Fr     i d  a  y   ’ s Br       ea     kout Ses                 sion a           gend          a
             Friday’s Breakout Session agenda
                                                       y 23, 2O21
                                                  July 23, 2O21
                                                  Breakout Session V
                                                  Break  out Session V
                                               Friday 9:00 am to 9:50 am

        502: Average Daily Membership and Student Data  506: Practical Tech! Practical Tech!
        502: A v er age D aily Membership and Student D   a ta    506:
                  Reconciliation                               Technology is a powerful tool.  It can be used to


        This presentation will guide you from your AzEDS  create, collaborate and communicate with peo-
        reports back to the student counts that make up  ple all over the world; it’s also an indispensable
        those numbers. School Finance will review our fre- resource for students in school today. The latest
        quently used terms and give a high-level overview  technological innovations have made education
        of the ADM20 and ADM15 reports as well as review  more accessible than ever before! I am excited
        top Integrity errors for FY21. This presentation will  to share my insights on how we can use tech-
        provide an introductory view of how data moves  nology solutions that work for teachers, admin-
        from your student information system into AzEDS  istrators and most importantly – our kids them-
        and reconciliation best practices. We will also re- selves!
                                                                 ack: Information T
        view  new  membership rules and  how to  ensure        Track: Information Technology
        your data meets their requirements.
        Track: Business Administration
        T r ack:  Business  Administr ation                    Presented by: Tony Riggs - NeedThese &
                                                               Russell Deneault- Creighton Elementary School
        Presented by: Monica Paz  & Irene Garcia-Hobbs  District
         - Arizona Department of Education
        505: The True Power of your ASRS Pension
                         ower of

                    rue P
        In a Galaxy where the Force is strong with your
        State Pension, come learn about why this is such
        an  important  part  of  your  Employees  benefits
        package. We will not only cover the building blocks
        of the ASRS, but we will also dive into other con-
        siderations with the State Pension. Protecting this
        is just as important as protecting the light side of
        the Force.
        T r ack: Human R esources/P a yroll
        Track: Human Resources/Payroll
        Presented by:  Patrick  Kearns  -  Equitable &
        Danny O’Brien - Mesa Public Schools

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