Page 20 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
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Fr     i d  a  y’s Mor              ni   ng A        gend          a
                      Friday’s Morning Agenda
                                             Jul  y 23, 2O21
                                             July 23, 2O21
           AASBO Fun Run –
                  SBO Fun R
           Walk 2021
                      k 2021

           Let the Force Guide You...
           Let the F    or ce Guide Y     ou...
           6:45  am  Meet at Starr P ass Circle
           6:45 am Meet at Starr Pass Circle
           Sponsored b
           Sponsored by Valley Schools
                        y V
                            alley Schools
           Join  the  Rebel  Alliance  and  be  a  part  of  the  Force  for
           Good Health! Join us for AASBO’s 68th Annual Confer-
           ence “Fun Run & Walk” at the Starr Pass Resort,
           sponsored  by  Valley  Schools.  Run,  jog,  or  stroll  (you
           don’t have to be a Skywalker to join in) your way to
           a healthy and happy day. This scenic one-mile, paved
           route begins at the north entrance near the top of the
           stairs  through  an  asteroid  field,  to  Primo  and  finishes
           at the same location. As Jedi Master Yoda would teach
           us - a good night’s rest you must get - bring buddies,
           and be ready at sunrise (around 6:45 am) for your daily
           dose of fun and comradery! Prizes will be awarded! A
           light breakfast of Grab and Go items will be available at
           the circle- something for you to Chewbacca on. We’ll see
           you there!
                       Breakf         as  t

                   to 8:30
        7:00 am to 8:30 am
        Tucson Ballroom
        Grab  a  bite  from  our  fabulous  continental
        breakfast  and  then  head  to  your  session  or
                                                                  Vote for your AASBO
        the expo!                                                 V  o te f     or y     our AASBO
                                                                         ard of Direct
                                                                    Board of Directors
                                                                Online voting ends Friday morning at 10:00
        8:00 am to 11:00 am
        8:00       to 11:00                                     AM. Remember to cast your ballot for your
            ona Ballroom, Conference
        Arizona Ballroom, Conference                            desired candidate for AASBO Board of Direc-
                      , and Ania T
        Center Foyer, and Ania Terrace                          tors. Positions open for election in 2021 are:
        Center F
                                                                 oted on b
                                                                            y Activ
                                                                                   e School Business Officials
                                                                Voted on by Active School Business Officials
        There will be door prize drawings throughout               •  Vice President
        the time the exhibition is open.                           •  Director of Information Technology
                                                                   •  Director of Purchasing
                                                                V oted on b y Activ e Business Associates
                                                                Voted on by Active Business Associates
                                                                   •  Vendor Representative
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