Page 18 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 18
Children’s Activities
C hi l dren’s A c tiv i ti es
In addition to the fabulous opportunities for AASBO members, the 68th Annual Conference offers
fun activities for children and teens! All activities planned and prepared by Dawn Deneault of Glen-
dale Elementary School District
Children under the age of 15 are invited to join AASBO in kids club activities!
Register your child(ren) by selecting the Children’s Event sessions when you complete your
conference registration. (Events require parent supervision)
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Star Wars Scavenger Hunt!
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Canvas Painting with Kahoot!
Star Wars Trivia
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Star Wars BINGO
Thur sd a y’s Ev ening A ge nd a
Thursday’s Evening Agenda
July 22, 2O21
Jul y 22, 2O21
The Return of
AASBO triumph
Tucson Ballroom
ucson Ballroom
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Join AA SBO on Thursda y ev ening for The
Join AASBO on Thursday evening for The
R eturn of AA SBO T riumph Celebr ation ! Join us
Return of AASBO Triumph Celebration! Join us
while dining on custom-created dinner
while dining on custom-created dinner
selections from the famous Starr Pass kitchen!
There will be music, dancing and entertainment.
There will be music, dancing and entertainment.
ent is included in each reg
et to this ev
One tick
One ticket to this event is included in each reg-
istr ation pack et.
istration packet.
Additional tick
Additional tickets may be purchased
ets ma
y be purchased
for $40 each.
for $40 each.
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