Page 15 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 15
Thur sd a y ’ s Br ea kout Ses sion a gend a
Thursday’s Breakout Session agenda
y 22, 2O21
July 22, 2O21
out Session IV
Breakout Session IV
Thursday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm
New Look?
403: Time F
or a
or a
New Kitchen
401: Hands-On W orkshop – Cell Sense Utilit y 403: Time For a New Kitchen or a New Look?
401: Hands-On Workshop – Cell Sense Utility
This session is a continuation from the Under- Construction is a big process no matter what the
standing the Cell Sense Utility session. During project. The food service director, architect, main-
this hands-on workshops, participants should tenance director, and business services all need
bring their laptops with remote access to their to communicate from start to finish. The current
Visions database. Trainers will provide instruc- menu, the future menu, funding, space, growth,
tion and strategies for building Cell Sense re- equipment dreams, reality…learn the factors need-
ports, importing details, updating the parame- ed to make it a better process with better results.
ters of the report and lifting X-Wings out of the Track: Child Nutrition
ack: Child Nutrition
swamps in Dagobah. This utility is certain to
provide business managers relief in presenting Presented by: Ryan Reese & Sandra Schossow
up to date, current general ledger data. - Peoria Unified School District
Track: Accounting
T r ack: Accounting
404: Clean Air Solutions & The Importance of
Presented by: Annette Moreno - Office of 404: Clean Air Solutions & The Importance of HVAC
ystem Maintenance
Maricopa County School Superintendent & Karin System Maintenance
Smith - Heinfeld Meech & Matthew Roberson - Discussions into a variety of clean air solutions on
Dysart Unified School District the market; what is working/proven. The impor-
tance of HVAC systems regular maintenance, the
benefits and how that ties into clean air solutions.
Track: Maintenance & Operations
eholders Understand
402: Helping Your Stakeholders Understand T r ack: Maintenance & Oper ations
our Stak
402: Helping Y
School Finance - No Jedi Powers Required
School Finance - No Jedi P owers R equired Presented by: Bryant Kuvakos &
The Force is strong when communities, govern- Rhonda Ladrigan- Tolin Mechanical &
ing boards and schools work together for the Michael Fisher - Littleton Elementary School
success of our young Padawans. Your stakehold- District
ers may not be School-Business-Jedi, but by
learning strategies to communicate your finan-
cial data and statistics, you can help them make 405: A Deep Div e into 941s
405: A Deep Dive into 941s
informed decisions and understand the impact Do you speak Bocce? You don’t have to be a
on district goals and student success. This ses- protocol droid to understand the forgotten lan-
sion will discuss the importance of stakeholder guage of the IRS known as 941. This session will
understanding of school finance and provide ac- provide an overview of the 941 process includ-
tionable communication strategies including the ing how to handle corrections to a 941 through
use of storytelling to inspire, engage, and con- the 941x process. We will also take a deep dive
nect. into the ability for school districts to now partici-
T r ack: Business Administr ation pate in the payroll tax credits through the Amer-
Track: Business Administration
Presented by: Marcie Rodriguez - Cave Creek ican Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). Current-
Unified School District & Lori Garvey & ly school districts can participate in these tax
Jacqueline Gouin - Madison Elementary School credits for Q2 and Q3 of calendar year 2021.
District Come with your draft Q2 941 and learn how to
apply for the tax credit! Soon, you will be able
to program binary loadlifters as if it were your
first job.
Track: Human Resources/Payroll
ack: Human R
Presented by: Cheryl White - Heinfeld Meech &
Heather Mock - Deer Valley Unified School
District Page 15