Page 11 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
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Thur sd a y ’ s Br ea kout Ses sion a gend a
Thursday’s Breakout Session agenda
July 22, 2O21
Jul y 22, 2O21
Breakout Session II
Break out Session II
Thursday 10:00 am to 10:50 am
.G.A.R. it is, F
egulations it will
al R
207: E.D
207: E.D.G.A.R. it is, Federal Regulations it will
The force is strong with E.D.G.A.R, the force is
calling, it is strong with the Procurement Jedi’s. from bad when you are at
“You will know good
Come and refresh your knowledge on what Fed- peace and passive.”
eral Regulations cover.
T r ack: Purchasing
Track: Purchasing
Presented by: Roger Spivey- Litchfield
Elementary School District & Bobby Williams II -
Mesa Unified School District 210: Legal & Liabilit y R esponses to COVID -19:
210: Legal & Liability Responses to COVID-19:
What We’ve Learned So Far And Prospects For
The Coming School Year
COVID-19 is an experience like no other, putting
burdens on all aspects of life. Our public schools
209: From Padawan to Jedi: How to use the
209: From P ada w an to Jedi: How to use the especially have born this burden. In this session
orce to Create V
Force to Create Vendor Opportunities we will discuss the legal, liability and employee
endor Opportunities
with School Districts health benefit responses to this crisis and what is
with School Districts
Join in the discussion! A panel of School Dis- on the near horizon for the coming school year.
trict personnel in varying business and purchas- Track: Track: Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development
ing roles will be answering questions on how to
navigate the force to do better business with Presented by: Chris Thomas - Arizona School
them and their Districts. They will be answer- Boards Association & Isela Brown - Santa Cruz
ing questions such as, ‘Why do you choose to Valley Unified School District
work with the vendors that you do?’ and ‘If you
were a vendor, how would you approach your
District?’ Through this discussion, we hope you’ll
become a Jedi Master in creating opportunities
with School Districts for your company. May the
force be with you!
Track: Vendor
T r ack: V endor
Presented by: Dr. Jennifer Cruz - Pendergast
Elementary School District & Mike Barragan -
Glendale Elementary School District &
Cheryl Burt - Buckeye Elementary School District
& Dr. Aspasia Angelou - Nadaburg Unified School
District & Morristown Elementary School District
& Marlo Loria - Mesa Public Schools &
Moderators: Drew Keil - SPS + Architects &
Taylor Perkins - Chasse Building Team
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