Page 23 - The 68th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 23

Fr     i d  a  y   ’ s Br       ea     kout Ses                 sion a           gend          a
             Friday’s Breakout Session agenda
                                                  July 23, 2O21
                                                  Jul  y 23, 2O21
                                                         out Session VI
                                                 Breakout Session VI
                                             Friday 10:00 am to 10:50 am
        601:  Closing out the FY21  Gener  al Ledger
        601: Closing out the FY21 General Ledger
        Fear is the path to the dark side, young Jedi. Don’t
        give into your fear and let year-end close out defeat
        you before your battle with the dark side begins.
        This session will enlighten and share the mysteries
        of the Force to provide a detailed understanding of
        what needs to be reviewed and how to review it
        prior to starting the AFR. Jedis in training will learn
        these strategies and understand what they can do
        throughout the year to avoid being crushed at year
        T r ack:  Accounting
        Track: Accounting
        Presented by:  Lizette  Huie  -  Sahuarita  Unified
        School District & Karin Smith - Heinfeld Meech

                                                               608: Transportation Reporting
        604: Hypergrowth :    Light Speed  T r a v el Through    608: T r ansportation  R eporting
        604: Hypergrowth : Light Speed Travel Through
                          & D

                  Prototypes & District Standards              We are fortunate to have a new system to collect

        In times of growth there are many challenges your      transportation data beginning in FY22. This session
        District can face. There are many ways to navigate     will be an introduction to the new user interface,
        these challenges utilizing quality District Standards   an overview of the submission process, a review
        and developing flexible prototypes. Walk away with     of best practices, and an open forum to answer
        some tools to help identify efficiencies within your   all of your School Finance related Transportation
        District so that your growth can be productive and     questions.
                                                               Track: Transportation
        sustainable! After this course your District should    T r ack:  T r a nsportation
        be able to make the Kessel Run in 12 Parsecs!          Presented by: Monica Paz  & Irene Garcia-Hobbs
        Track: Maintenance & Operations
              Maintenance &
                                                                - Arizona Department of Education
        Presented by: Jim Lamb - Queen Creek Unified
        School District & Tyler Shupe - McCarthy Building
        Companies & Neil Pieratt - SPS+ Architects
        605:  FMLA…It   ’ s not as complicated as
        605: FMLA…It’s not as complicated as
               Chewbacca repairing the Millennium Falcon
               Chewbacca repairing the Millennium F     alcon
        Please join presenters Jennifer MacLennan and
        Carrie O’Brien of Gust Rosenfeld and a guest ap-
        pearance from a fabulous District HR director for
        a  deep  dive  on  the  Family  Medical  Leave  Act.
        We will discuss what to do when you receive an
        FMLA request, options when an employee does
        not return to work and health insurance cover-
        age while on leave.
        Track: Human Resources/Payroll
        T r ack: Human R esources/P a yroll
        Presented by: Jennifer MacLennan &
        Carrie O’Brien - Gust Rosenfeld & Mayra Zuniga
         - Nogales Unified School District
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