Page 34 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 34


                          BY DAVID DODENHOFF
                          Protecting Booster Club and PTO Finances

        David Dodenhoff

        Booster clubs and parent-teacher organizations,  organizational business. There should be at least
        or PTOs, are a great way for parents to get  two non-student signatories on the account, and
        involved in their kids’ education. Because  signature authority should be reviewed once a
        these groups are often engaged in fundraising,  year.
        it’s important to make sure they have proper
        protections in place against financial abuse. In  When the organization is ready to start handling
        this article, we’ll talk about safeguards that can  funds, it should have sound bookkeeping
        help PTOs and booster clubs minimize risk and  practices in place. These can include all of the
        maximize their chances for success.                     following:

        Let’s start with getting the organization set up         •  Preparing, adopting, and monitoring  an
        properly. It should have all of its paperwork filed         organizational budget.
        and in good order with the Arizona Corporation           •  Establishing procedures for the handling,
        Commission, the Arizona Secretary of State’s                accounting,  and disbursement of funds, such
        Office and the Arizona Department of Revenue.               as: approval processes for spending; ledger/
        Not every group will have to file with each                 journal entries; check-writing and contract-
        of these agencies, but it’s important for new               signing  authority;  payment  of vendors,
        entities to check filing requirements when                  suppliers, and routine expenses, etc.
        they’re starting up.
                                                                 •  Making sure  there  is  clear, accurate
                                                                    documentation  of  every  financial  transaction
        “There should be at least two non-                          in the organization’s ledger or journal.
        student signatories on the account,                      •  Reconciling bank statements with the
        and signature authority should be                           organization’s  own  financial  records  once  a

        reviewed once a year.”                                      month or once a quarter.
                                                                 •  Preparing, reviewing, and approving a
                                                                    treasurer’s report for each official meeting of
        Next, the organization needs to get off on the
        right  foot  with  respect  to  finances. It  should        the organization.
        make  sure  it  has  its  own  tax  identification       •  Establishing policies  for maintenance  and
        number issued by the IRS. Organizations                     safeguarding  of bookkeeping  records  (these
        interested in tax-exempt, nonprofit status will             should include  policies  for access control,
        have some extra hoops to jump through. This                 password updating,  maintenance  of backup
        section of the IRS website, dedicated to charities          files, and record retention).
        and nonprofits, is a good starting point: https://                   The organization will also want a strong set
                                                                of internal controls to reduce the risk of fraud
        Another  important  preparatory  step  is  to  set  and abuse.  This is important not just for the
        up a dedicated bank account used solely for  obvious reason — protecting organizational
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 36

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