Page 39 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 39


                                                                       Holly Griglio  Lizette Huie
        Figuring out How Much to Pay for Travel

        Tips on how to navigate through the laws, guidelines and   State using the most reasonable and economic means
        policies that apply to travel by school employees were   and involves a traveler spending the least, as may be
        spelled out in a breakout session at  AASBO’s  Winter   reasonable  under the  circumstances, time  away  from
        Conference.                                             his duty post.  The manual also states: “In general, the
                                                                practical  travel  alternative  most  beneficial  and  cost
        Holly Griglio, a CPA with Heinfeld Meech, and Lizette   effective for the State should be  chosen.” That means
        Huie,  Chief  Financial  Officer,  Sahuarita  Unified  School   the district generally should choose the cheapest/fastest
        District,  touched  on  subjects  ranging  from  types  of   mode of transportation.
        reimbursements to modes of transportation to commuting.
        “Each school district is required to have a travel policy   What  if  it  is  least  expensive  to  fly  but  the  employee
        regarding procedures and amounts for reimbursing travel   chooses to drive? AASBO members were told that if travel
        expenses,” Griglio said. “Those reimbursement amounts   by common carrier, including plane, bus or train, would
        must not exceed maximum amounts established by the      be  the  most  economical  and  efficient,  reimbursements
        Arizona Department of Administration.”                  for meals, lodging, parking, mileage, tolls, etc. shall not
                                                                exceed the cost of airfare.
        Among the types of reimbursements is lodging, which
        is only reimbursed at the maximum rate unless it is a     When it comes to an employee commuting to and from
        conference hotel. The maximum rate does not include taxes   home and work, no expense reimbursement is allowed.
        or required charges, such as additional hotel fees. Airfare   However, if an employee lives 10 miles from the district
        should be the least expensive reasonable alternative.   office and is attending a training session that is 40 miles
        Other reimbursable items include parking fees, meals and   from home, reimbursement should be for 30 miles
        incidentals. Mileage is covered at 44.5 cents per mile.  each  way.  Regarding  board  members,  their  duty post
                                                                is considered their home, so you don’t have to remove
        Meal reimbursements without an overnight stay are taxable   commuting mileage.
        to the  traveler. Some districts may choose not to reimburse
        for overnight travel.  If so, this will need to be identified   “Districts should have their own policy for a travel
        in the district’s policies. The state does not require receipts   advances,” Griglio said. “The employee must be on travel
        for meals, but AASBO members were urged to check your   status for three or more consecutive days to be eligible,
        district policy as some districts choose to require receipts   and the advance is limited to 80% of the estimated lodging
        for meals. In addition, Uber rides to and from meals while   and meal costs of the trip. If the advance exceeds the cost
        on travel is part of the meal cost.                     of travel, the employee must refund the balance.”

        Meals Include, food, non-alcoholic beverages, tax
        and tip. The industry standard for tips related to a                 TRAVEL GUIDELINES
        meal served in a restaurant in the U.S. is between 15%
        to 20% of the pre- tax bill, but tips are not covered   ◊ ARS 38-624 – Arizona Department of Administration sets rates
        for meals in a buffet, fast food, or carryout. On the
        day of departure and return, meal and incidental    ◊ State of Arizona Accounting Manual Topic 50 – Travel -
        expenses are covered up to 75% of the full day’s rate, page
        minus any meals served at the conference.
                                                            ◊ USFR Travel Section
        According to the State of  Arizona  Accounting      ◊ District Policy
        Manual, “Travel arrangements should be fair and
        equitable, but planned  for  the convenience of the
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 41

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