Page 32 - The Edge - Spring 2021
P. 32


                          BY LISA FOLSOM

                          Vendor Centric Education Is Provided By AASBO

        Lisa Folsom

        Did you know that AASBO offers educational                   • What is E-Procurement? And What Does
        session  geared  directly  toward  vendors?                    This Mean for Vendors?
        Professional  development  is  a  cornerstone  of            • Where Does the Funding Come From and
        the association.  These sessions are typically                 What Does It All Mean to Vendors?
        vendor-to-vendor, but you will often find school
        district personnel on the panels or as presenters.           • Developing New Client Relations: How to
                                                                       Do Business with Districts

        These informative sessions  normally cover  a
                                                                Vendor-to-vendor classes are invaluable. They
        multitude  of  topics  and  answer  questions  that
                                                                allow you to learn from a dynamic group of peers
        are  commonly  asked  by  vendors  who  are  just
                                                                – best practices, what’s new on the horizon,
        starting out in the education sector, offer expert
                                                                and  general  refreshers.   AASBO  believes  that
        advice  for  those  who  have  been  working  the
                                                                having well-educated vendors is a best practice
        education  sector  for  an  extended  amount  of
                                                                in-and-of itself.
        time,  or  as  a  refresher  for  vendors  who  have
        been  committed  to  the  education  sector  for  a
                                                                Although the networking aspect is great, never
                                                                sleep on the educational opportunities presented
                                                                by the Arizona Association of School Business
        Over  the  past  two  years,  as  the  Vendor
        Representative for AASBO, the focus for most
        of the sessions that have been offered has been
        to  help  educate  other  vendors  on  commonly
        asked  questions/topics.    Here  is  a  synopsis  of  Lisa Folsom, who oversees business development
        the sessions AASBO has provided over the past  for Sunland Asphalt & Construction, is AASBO
        two years:                                              Vendor  Representative.  She  can  be  reached  at:
                                                       or (602) 288-5647
              • A Day in the Life of a Vendor: It’s Not All     or (602) 803-3022.
                Coffee Meetings and Happy Hours

              • Inside Out: Marketing with Emotion

              • Leveraging Your AASBO Membership

              • The Art of the Chase:  A Panel Discussion

              • How to Connect with Clients Remotely

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