Page 36 - The Edge - Spring 2021
P. 36


                          BY BILL MUNCH, CPPO, CPPB
                          Newspaper Advertising for Bids and RFPs

        Bill Munch
                                                            <a href="">Discipline Vectors by Vecteezy</a
        One of the questions I get on regular basis is what  newspaper. All formal procurements where the district
        the requirements are for newspaper advertising of our  has four or fewer prospective bidders on the bidders list
        solicitations. It tends to be a bit more complicated than  must be newspaper advertised.
        it needs to be. However, I will do my best to break it
        down and simplify it as much as possible.               If the district has five or more vendors on its official bid list,
                                                                the newspaper advertisement requirement only applies to
        Below are the Arizona School District Procurement  certain services. For example, services of certified public
        Rules that apply to newspaper advertising.              accountants, physicians, dentists and legal counsel are
                                                                not required to be newspaper advertised, as referenced
        “R7-2-1022. Notice of Competitive Sealed Bidding  by rules R7-2-1061 through R7-2-1068. The services of
        A.  Adequate  public  notice  of  the  invitation  for  bids  an architect, engineer, land surveyor, assayer, geologist
           shall be given as provided in R7-2-1024. Notice also  and landscape architect, as well as Alternative Project
           may be given as provided in subsection (B). In the  Delivery Method construction services are not required
           event  there  are  four  or  fewer  prospective  bidders  to be newspaper advertised, as referenced by rules R7-2-
           on the bidders list, then notice also shall be given  1100 through R7-2-1123. Since “construction” is not a
           as  provided  in  subsection  (B).  If  the  invitation  service, hard bids for construction are also not required
           for  bids  is  for  the  procurement  of  services  other  by the rules to be newspaper advertised. However, keep
           than  those  described  in  R7-2-1061  through  R7-2-  in  mind  that  the  School  Facilities  Board,  as  part  of
           1068  and  R7-2-1100  through  R7-2-1123,  notice  Building Renewal Grant program, has required school
           also  shall  be  given  as  provided  in  subsection  (B).  districts  to  newspaper  advertise  building  renewal
                                                                construction projects they fund, in accordance with the
        B.  If  required  by  subsection  A,  the  notice  shall  rule above unless the district receives a formal waiver
            include publication in the official newspaper of the  from the School Facilities Board.
           county, within which the school district is located,
           as  prescribed  in A.R.S.  §  11-255  The  publication,  As of July 1, 2020, you need only advertise once. You
           shall occur in a reasonable time before bid opening,  can advertise twice or more, but you are not required to
           which  shall  not  be  less  than  14  days  before  bid  do so. The key is that one advertisement must be posted
           opening.  The  time  of  publication  may  be  altered  at least 14 days before the bid opening. Best practice is
           if  deemed  necessary  pursuant  to  R7-2-1024(A).  to have the advertisement post the same day you issue or
                                                                before to be fair to all vendors involved, but the rule does
        C. In addition to the notice provided in subsections (A)  not specifically require it. A district can also newspaper
           and (B), the school district may give such additional  advertise even if the rules don’t specifically require it.
           notice  as  the  school  district  deems  appropriate,  Paragraph  C  even  suggests  internet  postings.  We  can
           including posting on a designated site on the Internet.”  always do more than the rules require!

        You will note from the rule above (Paragraph A), school  A  district  must  advertise  in  the  official  newspaper  of
        districts  are  required  to  newspaper  advertise  all  bids  the county, within which the school district is located,
        and RFPs if the district has fewer than five vendors on  as  prescribed  in  A.R.S.  §  11-255.  Each  county  will
        its official bid list. This is your first test as to whether  determine  the  official  newspaper,  which  can  change
        or not the formal procurement must be advertised in a  from time to time. Districts should contact their county

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