Page 37 - The Edge - Spring 2021
P. 37
procurement department to confirm the current “official” if the purchase is for services, be conservative and do
newspaper for their county. The county superintendents the newspaper advertising. When in doubt, advertise it
do not make this determination. in the newspaper!
So, we have talked about which “services” are not While this article is chock full of best practice
required to be advertised, but what are considered the recommendations, nothing in this article should be
other services? School District Procurement Rule R7-2- considered legal advice. I forgot to go to Harvard Law
1000(116) says: School, opting for ASU and a degree in Materials
Management instead. Regardless, feel free to use this
““Services” means the furnishing of labor, time or article as a reference point and contact me if you have
effort by a contractor or subcontractor that does not questions, using my email below.
involve the delivery of a specific end product other
than required reports and performance. Services do not Until next time, may all your procurement dreams come
include employment agreements or collective bargaining true!
Bill Munch, CPPO, CPPB is the Procurement Compliance
I would also recommend when determining whether the and Training Officer for Valley Schools Management Group,
procurement is for services, the district should consider recipient of the 2018 AASBO Bill Lovett Award and the 2016
that services are generally exempt from sales tax. So if NIGP National Purchasing Manager of the Year. He provides
there are no sales taxes, it is probably a service. Also, if consultation on public procurement matters for school districts
the services make up more than 50% of the purchase, it and vendors across the state of Arizona and across the country.
is probably safer to consider it a service. If it is not clear He may be reached at: