Page 24 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
P. 24

What Cyber Insurers Expect as Cyber Attacks Rise


        initial step in helping school districts understand  In closing, the presenters reminded  AASBO
        threats to and vulnerabilities of their information  members that the cost, frequency, severity, and
        systems. It includes a survey that provides a  sophistication of cyber-attacks are increasing,
        prioritized list of risks.                              driving up the risk and cost of cyber insurance.
                                                                Working with the Trust Cyber Outreach program
        Additionally, cybersecurity incident response  helps not only a school district, but it helps The
        planning is offered. It involves taking a structured  Trust obtain more favorable cyber coverage from
        approach to creating such a plan, plus tabletop  reinsurers.
        exercises are designed to train and assist members
        in working through a possible incident scenario.        Marijon Anderson can be reached at:
                                                                or (602) 200-2438
        Members can download and customize policies
        from The Trust website, an external vulnerability       Cyber team can be reached at: or (602) 200-2432
        scan will be conducted, and a report of identified
                                                                Albert Magallanez can be reached at:
        vulnerabilities  and  remediation  guidance  is         or (520) 625-4581, ext. 7307

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