Page 28 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
P. 28

How Sun Corridor Network Can Help K-12 Schools


        equity and inclusion, Internet2 and commercial  and competitive pricing, improve the transition
        Internet,  cloud services  at  consortium pricing,  between secondary and post-secondary education
        cybercrime prevention service, access to regional  and are able to close their data center.
        and national research and academic communities,
        leading science and technology partners, and   K-12 curriculum resources at   Internet2 include
        eduroam.                                                Arts and Culture, Earth Science, Engineering,
                                                                Astronomy and Space, Biology and History and
        “Sun Corridor Network is now                            Civics. As an example of the sources available, in

        working with school districts and                       the Arts and Culture category, access is provided
                                                                to  the  Smithsonian  American  Art  Museum,
        libraries to extend this functionality                  Manhattan School of Music Distance Learning,

        to all learners and educators in  Museum of Modern  Art, and the Smithsonian
        Arizona. We are enablers.”                              National Portrait Gallery.

                                                                Under Astronomy and Space, sources include the
        Masseth explained that eduroam (education
                                                                Smithsonian  Air & Space STEM, NASA: Live
        roaming) is the secure,  world-wide roaming
                                                                from the International Space Station, and Sloan
        access service developed specifically for the
                                                                Digital Sky Survey.
        international research and education community.
        “Eduroam allows students, researchers and staff
                                                                History and Civics sources include the
        from participating schools, districts, or institutions
                                                                Smithsonian Learning Lab, Time Project, Video
        to obtain Internet connectivity across campus
                                                                Conferencing for Global Learning,  American
        and when visiting other participating entities
                                                                Museum of Natural History, Presidential Primary
        by simply opening their laptop,” Masseth said.
                                                                Sources, National  WW2  Museum, Ford’s
        “Eduroam is based on the most secure encryption
                                                                Theatre, National Archives, Library of Congress,
        and authentication standards available. Its security
                                                                Digital Public Library of America, Civil Rights
        by far exceeds typical commercial hotspots and
                                                                Digital Library, and Mapping Inequality Digital
        provides simple, easy, secure connectivity from
                                                                Scholarship Lab.
        thousands of hotspots across more than 100
                                                                Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality category
                                                                offers expeditions, a tour creator, East of the
        K-12  members  leverage Arizona’s Sun Corridor
                                                                Rockies, Civilizations. Google Earth  Virtual
        Network  by  connecting  with  world  class
                                                                Reality and Metaverse.
        institutions, collaborating with other K-12s and
        universities, having access to 100 gigabytes per
        second, having audio/video bridging and hosting,        Derek Masseth can be reached at:
        and access to technical talents and services and
        cyber security. In addition, K-12 members support
        Arizona’s research and development, enjoy E-rate

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