Page 26 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
P. 26


                                                                                 Derek Masseth
        How Sun Corridor Network Can Help K-12 Schools

        Sun Corridor Network, which can provide  the Internet, a Point of Presence is an access point
        AASBO members with a pathway to expanded  from one place to the rest of the Internet.
        networking services, is a not-for-profit network
        connectivity provider that focuses on the distinct  Customers can connect to Sun Corridor POPs
        needs of Arizona’s education community.                 via local loops provided by telecommunications
                                                                vendors in their area. Sun Corridor Network
        In a breakout session at  AASBO’s Spring  works with nearly all telecommunications vendors
        Conference, Derek Masseth, Executive Director  in  Arizona to provide these local connections.
        of Sun Corridor Network, said its mission is:  The network accelerates the enhancement of
        “To bridge of digital divide.” Founded in 2013  broadband infrastructure and enhances economic
        by ASU, UofA and NAU, it serves K-12 schools,  growth and quality of life in rural areas throughout
        universities, community and vocational colleges,  Arizona.
        libraries, and research and education networks
        throughout the world.                                   Masseth explained that smart highway corridors
                                                                will enable the  Arizona Department of
        Masseth,  who has spent 20-plus years in  Transportation to install more than 500 miles of
        networking higher education, explained that  broadband conduit and fiber optic cable along
        Sun Corridor Network is a mission-focused  designated    highway  segments  throughout  rural
        connectivity provider and the gateway to  areas of the state. Designated areas include
        Internet2, the fastest, most advanced network  Interstate 17 between Pjoenix and Flagstaff, I-19
        for higher education in the U.S, offering links  between Tucson and Nogales, and I-40 from the
        to K-20/libraries, museums, municipalities and  New Mexico to California borders across Arizona.
        most public sector entities.
                                                                “Eduroam, a global wireless network access
        “We are educators and learners helping educators  service, initially was developed for the
        and learners,” Masseth said, “providing access to  international research and education community,
        the resources of  Arizona’s universities.  We put  allowing researchers, faculty, and staff seamless
        the capital N in Networking. We can assist with  wireless access at all participating institutions,”
        transition to digital, tutoring, distance instruction,  Masseth said. “Sun Corridor Network is now
        virtual  field  trips,  and  access  to  scientific  working with school districts and libraries to
        instruments as well as the rest of the Internet.”       extend  this  functionality  to  all  learners  and
                                                                educators in Arizona. We are enablers.”
        The Sun Corridor Network serves schools
        throughout  Arizona from POPs (Point of  Sun  Corridor Network  is  a  mission-aligned
        Presence) in Flagstaff, Phoenix, and Tucson. On  network and technology partner that offers digital
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 28

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