Page 30 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
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AASBO: Racing to Excellence
Dale Ponder
BOOGITY, BOOGITY, BOOGITY – let’s go racing, Conference, this team has worked nearly non-stop to
AASBO!! provide the critical content for each of our conferences
and have done so with only their service to AASBO in
In just a few short weeks, we’ll start our engines and mind. Additionally, Audrey, Ana, Chuck, Brian, and
converge on the Starr Pass properties in Tucson as the entire AASBO staff have been very supportive in
the green flag is dropped for an exciting time filled helping to bring the vision of the committee forward.
with fun and engaging experiences for this year’s This endeavor would not be possible without the
membership. Since this year’s annual conference involvement from everyone – it truly is a team effort!
theme was revealed at the 68th Annual Conference The association, the conference track chairs, the
and Exposition, AASBO Strikes Back, I’ve enjoyed committee members, and our content presenters are
receiving the various comments, concepts, and ideas excited to bring you this opportunity for professional
from so many in how we can build upon the success development, networking, and, of course, FUN!
of those before me and tie it all with this year’s
theme. After all, AASBO belongs to its membership, If you’ve had the privilege of attending an AASBO
and I am proud to work alongside so many caring Annual Conference and Expo, you expect to find a
individuals. I truly appreciate and value all the terrific vendor exposition, dynamic and engaging
suggestions and I hope that you’ll be able to see some keynote speakers, excellent breakout sessions across
of those sprinkled throughout the annual conference. all tracks from school district professionals and
industry experts, fantastic opportunities to network
As President-Elect of AASBO, I have the distinct with both new and familiar colleagues and friends,
pleasure of serving as this year’s chair for the Annual opportunity for fun for the entire family, and so much
Conference. While that may be my assigned role, more! It is my hope that you’ll find this year’s Annual
the committee members and track chairs are the Conference, AASBO’s 69th, just as beneficial and
ones to be thanked and acknowledged for organizing enjoyable in your professional development journey
a great Annual Conference for the association’s as those before.
membership. They have dedicated countless hours in
identifying and selecting presentations and speakers One of the other important items to address during the
to help provide meaningful and relevant content for Annual Conference is the election of new members to
this year’s conference. I owe them a great deal of the AASBO Board of Directors. Like many of those
appreciation and gratitude for their hard work to the before me, I was “strongly encouraged” by so many to
benefit of our members and association! Words alone pursue an opportunity to serve on the AASBO Board
will never do justice to the amount of recognition and of Directors. I won’t name individuals as I’m sure to
honor that these individuals deserve. leave someone out, but these people are innovative
and highly admired within our profession, have my
From the adjournment of last year’s Annual upmost respect, and I appreciate them seeing value in