Page 35 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
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        Best Practice Award Winners for 2022

        Facing unprecedented challenges during the  the potential disruption to the academic process,”
        Covid pandemic,  AASBO members stepped up  Ponder said. “Like fire alarm pull-stations, this
        and relying on their skills and experience found  new system equally empowers students and
        new ways to improve school operations and as a  staff members with the opportunity to initiate a
        result win Best Practice Awards for 2022.               lockdown of the campus if they witness unsafe
                                                                behavior from other occupants or nearby threats.
        Winners represent Crane Elementary School  Providing spaces where students and staff
        District in  Yuma,  Wilson Elementary School  feel safe should  foster  a  community  of greater
        District in Phoenix, and Mesa Public Schools.  academic and professional success.”
        In addition to the recognition, winners receive a
        certificate and a $50 gift card.

        The Crane winners are Eddie Pallanes, Director
        of Information Services, and Ozzy Hernandez,
        Director of Facilities Maintenance & Grounds.
        Pallanes and Hernandez were mainly responsible
        for establishing an Intergovernmental Agreement
        with the Yuma Police Department. Dale Ponder,
        Chief of Finance and Operations, explained
        that the agreement will grant dispatchers and  The Wilson  Best  Practice Award  winner  is  Roy
        responding officers with remote access to the  Sucanick, Maintenance Supervisor, who came out
        school district’s video surveillance system, remote  of retirement to assist Wilson School District #7
        door access, emergency notification system, and         with its many necessary repairs of the buildings
        the integration of other systems across all district  and grounds. Being a smaller district, funds are
        facilities.                                             very limited but the repairs still need to happen,
                                                                according to his nominator, Mark Sikora of the
        “Permitting access to these systems will enable  Maintenance Department.
        responding officers with first-hand knowledge
        of what to expect as they arrive at a facility, and  Sucanick was recommended for having been
        what resources may be necessary,” Ponder said.          instrumental in getting projects done with minimal
                                                                cost to the district. His knowledge of the School
        “Ensuring that responding personnel have  Facilities Board program is second to none.
        the resources necessary to quickly address an  He is proficient in preparing all the necessary
        incident should improve efficiencies and reduce  paperwork for SFB to assist our district. Sikora

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