Page 39 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
P. 39


                          BY CRAIG ZABLOCKI
                          Hi AASBO Folks!  Craig's Here

        Craig Zablocki

        I had a great time with you kicking off your  don’t worry, are OK with not knowing, they give
        conference at the  Aquarius Hotel.  Thanks for  100%, they share their toys, they aren’t pretentious,
        putting up with the “challenging” sound system,  and they have tremendous enthusiasm.
        and a shout out to our friend in the front/center
        of the room firing someone during my keynote!  So, how would it be if, in your professional and
        Also wanted to let you know about my in-services  personal lives, you could reclaim and apply some
        for support staff, teachers, and administrators. I’d  of those wonderful traits that we once had as
        love to come down and work with your district.  children? Try to imagine this for yourself – feeling           more freedom inside yourself, worrying less,
                                                                having more fun at work and home, being more in
        Of all the institutions and organizations I’ve  the here and now, letting your creativity flow. Do
        worked with over the years, the most successful  you feel something loosening?
        ones have some things in common. For example:
         • They work with passion – they bring their best selves   Now think about what would be available for you
           and their creativity to their work.                  within your organization? How about you and your
         • They have accountability – they do what they say and   family? Can you imagine what might be possible
           say what they do.                                    if you could recover some of those generous,
         • They have fun – people really enjoy the challenge of   authentic and life-renewing qualities again?
           what they are up to.
         •  Their culture is positive, staff-centric, and client-centric.         Here are my “Three Secrets to Reclaiming the Joy
                                                                and Adventurous Spirit” we once had:
         • They have great people… honest, direct,
           compassionate people.
         •  They know what they do, and are great at how they do it.  First, it's not about learning anything. In fact,
         • And most importantly – they know WHY they do what    it's about un-learning. Does it make sense that
                                                                we once had all these qualities? So, we’ve got to
           they do!
                                                                ask, what have we "learned" that is blocking these
                                                                qualities? How can we unlearn that? I think we've
        Do you  recall  me asking some  simple  but  hard
                                                                learned to be afraid, and this fear controls us. What
        questions to shake things up a bit?
                                                                are we most afraid of? Perhaps most of all, we’re
         • How much are you really giving? 10% 25% 50%?         afraid of feeling completely out of control, afraid
         • How do you let fear get in the way of your life      of what others think of us, afraid to fail, afraid to
           and more?                                            take a positive risk, afraid that we’re not keeping
         • Is your work culture hap hazard or on purpose?       up with the neighbors, afraid that our image will
                                                                be tarnished, and so on.
        We talked about children, especially four or five
        year-olds, and those qualities that we all once had  We spend an incredible amount of time trying to
        in abundance and have mostly lost. Kids laugh  be accepted, concerned that we've "got the right
        a lot, they are not self-conscious, they’re highly  answer," "chose the right seat at the table," "are
        creative, they live in the moment, they’re honest,  funny enough," etc.  We’re avoiding looking bad
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 41

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