Page 36 - AASBO The EDGE Summer 2022
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Best Practice Award Winners for 2022
said: “He is a tireless advocate for team work. He from providing little to no custodial training to
brings his team building attitude and willingness certifying all custodians using the ISSA model.
to be a part of that team to the table every day. In these two years they have been able to develop
He is not afraid to get in and get it done. He a Custodial Training Center, the first of its kind
helps wherever he can and shares his knowledge in K-12 using a repurposed elementary school.
with others to make a stronger team all around.
His can-do attitude has brought a sense of calm
and accomplishment to a fractured Maintenance
Department. His selfless leadership has paved the
way for a united group. His knowledge and skills
have made Wilson Elementary School District #7
a safer and more efficient place for the students to
learn and grow.”
The Best Practice Award at Mesa Public Schools
was a group effort, honoring Donald Albo, “We are implementing the ISSA Standard of
ISSA Trainer Supervisor; Sandra Sillero, ESL cleaning throughout our district,” Harrison
Development and Training; Timothy Daugherty, stated. “We have developed a training process
Site-Based Evaluator and Liaison; David Saenz, that incorporates ISSA methodology while
ISSA Trainer; Michele Lowe, ISSA Trainer; and offering certifications in all cleaning modules.
Richard Miller, Site-based Facilitator. These This is a paid training. We offer multiple classes,
members of the Custodial Department have been not just in cleaning standards, but also in
instrumental in understanding our vision and leadership, communication and computer literacy
helping us reach our goal, said their nominator, promoting professional and personal growth.”The
Deb Harrison, Director of Custodial. id. They Custodial Department worked with the district to
took a repurposed school and converted it into a develop an ESL class for non-English speaking
first-of-its-kind Custodial Training Center using custodians, providing the opportunity to advance
the ISSA standards. professionally and personally. The department
also offers GED classes for any custodian who
Actually, Harrison said wants to earn their certificate. The program is
all 300 custodial members making a difference not only in the students'
deserve recognition and learning environment, but are also instilling pride
the award should go in the custodians.
to the entire Custodial
Department. In the past “We are investing in their future while making
two years, the Custodial sure they understand that they are valuable parts
Department has been of the educational system,” Harrison said.
going through a transition