Page 5 - 2024 Winter Conference
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Breakout Session Two                                         202: CD-WHO? BACK TO THE BASICS

                           11:05 AM - 11:55 AM                             OF CONTINUING DISCLOSURE

                                                                           & ACFR STATISTICS

                                                                 If  you  are  new  in  your  finance  role  and  are  wondering
     201: FUND BALANCES –                                        what you need to do for the ACFR statistics section and
              CONSIDERATIONS FOR YOUR                            continuing disclosure undertaking (CDU) filings for your
                                                                 District or want to know what other districts are doing,
              SCHOOL DISTRICT                                    this is a must-attend session. We will cover typical items
     The  Auditor  General’s  Office  added  a  new  fund  balance  included  in  the  ACFR,  where  to  file  the  ACFR  and  the
     reserve  tab  to  the  FY23  district  and  charter  AFRs  to  annual tables needed for your outstanding bond issues.
     provide  more  complete  and  transparent  financial
     information.  This  session  will  discuss  the  importance  of
     developing  planned  uses  for  fund  balance  reserves  and  Presented By: Bonnie J. Betz - Gilbert Public Schools
     information  to  consider  when  developing  fund  balance   & Erika Coombs - Piper Sandler & Co. &
     policies.  Additionally,  this  session  will  review  the   Brandon Caywood - Gust Rosenfeld P.L.C
     accounting  rules  regarding  fund  balances,  how  to
     complete this information in the AFR form, how your ERP            BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
     system  can  be  used  to  track  this  information,  and
     suggestions  for  presenting  this  information  to  your
     Governing Board.
                                                                 204: COMMON PROCUREMENT

      Presented By: Sara Kirk - Heinfeld Meech &
       Scott Thompson - Mesa Public Schools &                    This  session  will  go  through  the  most  common
       Meghan Hieger - Arizona Auditor General                   procurement findings as well as how they could have been
                      ACCOUNTING                                 avoided.

                                                                  Presented By: Jennifer Shields - Heinfeld Meech &
                                                                  Caroline Brackley - Professional Group Public
     203: EXPLORING THE POTENTIAL                                 Consulting (PGPC)  & Cheryl Burt - Buckeye
                                                                  Elementary School District
          FOR UNIVERSAL STUDENT MEAL                                              PURCHASING

          -PART 2-                                                205: BOND AND OVERRIDE

     Given recent modifications in the formulas affecting meal              ELECTIONS COMPLIANCE
     reimbursement  percentages  for  free  meals,  this  may  be
     the  ideal  opportunity  to  implement  CEP  within  your    Great  opportunity  to  hear  from  the  experts  and  ask
     district. Join us to explore the recent enhancements in the  questions  related  to  State  and  Federal  compliance
     program that provides free meals to all students and gain    requirements for bond and override elections. Discussion
     insights  into  utilizing  the  reimbursement  estimator  tool.  will  include  the  period  leading  up  to  an  election  call
     Additionally,  we'll  address  any  inquiries  you  may  have  through  election  day  –  election  call  timing,  use  of
     regarding how CEP can impact your district, including its    exploratory  committees,  do's  and  don'ts,  and  voter
     implications for reporting Title I percentages.              pamphlet requirements. We will also provide an overview
                                                                  of property tax rate setting and on-going requirements for
                                                                  successful bond and override elections.
     Presented By: Lindsay Aguilar – Tucson Unified
      School District & Sandra Schossow - Peoria Unified
      School District & Lindsey Cler - Arizona Department        Presented By: Ken Hicks - Tolleson Union High
      of Education & Aaron Tyler - Arizona Department            School District & Randie Stein - Stifel  &
      of Education                                               Paul Gales - Greenberg Traurig
                  CHILD NUTRITION
                                                                          STATE/FEDERAL ISSUES
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