Page 7 - 2024 Winter Conference
P. 7

Breakout Session Four

                                          2:10 PM - 3:00 PM

     401: STUDENT ACTIVITIES:                                     402: SINGLE AUDIT HOT

              THE GOOD, THE BAD,

              AND THE UGLY                                                  TOPICS

     Student  Activities  allow  students  to  have  great        If  you  have  ever  wondered  about  single  audit
     opportunities to learn about areas that interest them        requirements this session will cover a brief history of
                                                                  the  Single  Audit  Act  and  current  requirements.  We
     and  do  good  for  their  school;  but  if  you  are  not
     careful that good can turn bad and even ugly quick.          will  also  cover  hot  topics  to  prevent  findings  and
                                                                  updates such as E-Rate programs becoming subject
     Join  us  as  we  look  at  the  regulations  for  Student
     Activities and the best practices to stay on the good        to audit.

                                                                  Presented By: Jennifer Shields - HeinfeldMeech &
     Presented By: Shannon Crosier - Scottsdale Unified           Ryan French - Littleton Elementary School District
     School District & Dominick Ruth - Higley Unified
     School District                                                     BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

                                                                  405: SBITAS & GROUPED

                                                                            ASSETS & COMP ABS,

                                                                            OH MY!

                                                                  With the changes to the USFR Chart of Accounts and
     404: PURCHASING 101 FOR                                      financial reporting for SBITAs, we will look back at

               SUPPLIER PURCHASES                                 what  we  have  learned  and  how  to  ensure  proper
                                                                  coding  and  compliance  are  maintained  going
               UNDER $100K                                        forward.  Additionally,  we  will  tackle  best  practices
                                                                  for the new grouped asset requirements (per GASB)
     Quotes, quotes, and more quotes. What procurement            for fiscal year 2023-24, and how to properly analyze
     options do school districts have for purchases under         and account for such items. And last, but not least,
     $100K? This session will give attendees a foundation         we  will  examine  the  new  compensated  absences
     of understanding for the rules under the formal bid          requirements (per GASB) for fiscal year 2024-25, and
     threshold  of  $100K.  Get  in  the  fast  lane  to          review the impact on how the schedules are prepared
     understanding     basic   requirements    for   these        and audited.

     Presented By: Gary Barkman - Mesa Public Schools             Presented By: Christopher Heinfeld - HeinfeldMeech
     & Bill Munch - Valley Schools Management Group               & Lila McCleery - Phoenix Union High School District
                                                                  & CJ Beckstrom - Buckeye Elementary School District
                                                                            STATE/FEDERAL ISSUES
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