Page 4 - 2020 Vendor/Buyer Conference
P. 4
10:10 AM - 11:00 AM
101: Due Diligence on Co-Operative 102: Making a Good Solicitation Better
Contracts PART 1 Getting the right vendor is a critical part of
We will discuss the rules pertaining to due dili- any project’s success, but how do you find a
gence and walk through a hands on “do it your- high-quality vendor able to meet your needs?
self” completion of a co-op contract. This will be An RFP solicitation can be key in attracting the
a Part 1 and Part 2 presentation back to back. right supplier able to help the district achieve its
goals. Come and hear best practices, tips and
Speakers: Gary Barkman & Bobby Williams II tricks for getting better proposal responses.
- Mesa Unified School District
Speaker: Cheryl Burt - Buckeye Elementary
School District
103: How to Conduct your RFP/RFQ
Presentations to the Evaluation
Committee? 104: Day in the Life of a Vendor
Have you lost control of your Evaluation Commit- It’s not all coffee meetings and happy hours.
tee? Did they wonder afield? Did the vendor hi- Come take a sneak peak, behind the scenes
jack the presentation and run over the time slot? look, at what a vendor does all day. Learn the
This session will give you best practices to stay
on track and treat everyone fairly. answer to “what is it we do all day, anyways?”
Speakers: Jared Reynolds - Phoenix Union
Speakers: Norma Nerio - Douglas Unified High School District & Jen Rehse - Sport
School District & Caroline Brackley - Surfaces Distributing Inc.& Dee Smith - Musco
Professional Group Public Consulting
Sports Flooring & Korey Sims - Wholesale
Floors, LLC & Jerri Lynn Arreola - SDB
Contracting Services
Norma Nerio Cheryl Burt
Douglas Unified School District Buckeye Elementary School