Page 7 - 2020 Vendor/Buyer Conference
P. 7


         2:10 PM - 3:00 PM


        401: Avoid Procurement Deficiencies                      402: A Guide to Writing your First
                                                                         Co-op Contract (SAVE/GPPCS)
        We will discuss strategies to avoid common
        procurement  deficiencies  and  comply  with  the        What contracts are the best avenue for the dif-
        USFR and School District Procurement Rules.              ferent services available? How do I write a co-

                                                                 op contract, which co-op do I put out, SAVE or
        Speakers: Megan Smith & Paula Gustafson -                GPPCS?  This class will  cover best practices,
        Arizona Auditor General’s Office                         surveys, advertising, creating evaluations  and
                                                                 vendor references.

                                                                 Speaker: Cindi Hostetler  - Tempe Union High
                                                                 School District

        403: Construction Tax - Is it In or Out
                of the Base Bid?                                 404: Low Bid Repeal:
                                                                         A Panel Discussion
        What is the deal with tax on construction proj-
        ects? Do you understand the difference between           Learn the history behind the low bid repeal. The
        Prime Tax and MRRA? Does it come into play               low bid language was attached to the Red for Ed
        in the evaluation? This session will give you the        movement and was repealed due to a coalition
        requirements and how to deal with them in your           of vendors/districts fighting for responsible pur-
        documents, both vendor and buyer.                        chasing. Discuss what it means going forward.

        Speakers: Karen Fleetwood - Mesa Unified                 Speakers: Lana Berry - Chandler Unified
        School District & Caroline Brackley -                    School District & Meghaen Dell’Artino -
        Professional Group Public Consulting &                   Public Policy Partners & Michael Baer -
        Kirk Hays - Caliente Construction                        Sunland Asphalt & Natalie Orne - CORE
                                                                 Construction, Inc.

                                                             Meghaen Dell’Artino         Kirk Hays
                                                             Public Policy Partners      Caliente Construction
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