Page 6 - 2020 Vendor/Buyer Conference
P. 6


         1:00 PM - 1:50 PM


        301: 2019 Arizona School District                        302: How to do Business with
                Procurement Rules Revisions                              Districts and Debriefing After
        A  group  of  dedicated  procurement  officials
        across the school districts have been working for        What are some of the differences when register-
        many months with representatives of the Audi-            ing with school districts across the state? How to
        tor General, the Attorney General, and the State         get the most out of a discussion with purchasing
        Board of Education to revise our School District         after losing an IFB/RFP.
        Procurement Rules. These revisions should be
        embraced by the school community as they are             Speakers: Roger Spivey - Litchfield
        the result of recommendations by those of us in          Elementary School District & Jeff Stewart -
        the procurement trenches. The goal of the rules          Queen Creek Unified School District &
        revision committee was to simplify wherever              Jeff Thomason - Creighton Elementary School
        possible and make the  school district  procure-         District
        ment a little easier. Come find out what changes
        have been made to the procurement rules that
        will make your procurement dreams come true.

        Speakers: Gary Barkman - Mesa Unified                    304: The Art of the Chase:
        School District & Bill Munch - Valley Schools                    A Panel Discussion

                                                                 What does the pursuit look like through the eyes
                                                                 of A/E/C (architects/engineers/contractors)  and
                                                                 goods suppliers? We all chase projects different-
                                                                 ly, so what does it entail? From identifying a proj-
        303: Contract Administration and                         ect, cost of pursuits, to best practices.
                Management Program
                                                                 Speakers: Bobby Williams II - Mesa Public
        Do you have a formal contract administration             Schools & Drew Keil - SPS + Architects
        program in your District? While most understand
        that contract management is the cradle  to the
        grave of a contract, some may not be aware
        of the essential function that Contract Adminis-
        tration plays in this sequential  cycle. Contract
        Administration protects the rights of the parties
        involved  while  ensuring  the obligations  of the
        parties are met and therefore is a key compo-
        nent. Learn some easy and effective tools that
        can help you is establishing your contract admin-
        istration program.

        Speakers: Monique Harris & Lupita Gomez
        - Tempe Elementary School District  & Missy         Missy Mudry                  Bill Munch
        Mudry - Sunny Path Associates                       Sunny Path Associates        Valley Schools
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